Home » Education and Sport sign a protocol with Scholas Occurentes for the development of sporting activities in schools

Education and Sport sign a protocol with Scholas Occurentes for the development of sporting activities in schools

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Education and Sport sign a protocol with Scholas Occurentes for the development of sporting activities in schools

The Minister for Sport and Youth Andrea Abodi and the Minister for Education and Merit Giuseppe Valditara recently signed a memorandum of understanding with Scholas Occurentes, an international organization of pontifical right which takes advantage of the use of technology, art and sport to promote social inclusion and the culture of meeting for peace.

This organization is represented by world directors Josè Maria del Corral and Enrique Pamleyro.

The memorandum of understanding, valid for three years, aims to promote educational and cultural activities and activities in support of the values ​​of sport, rediscovering its origins and considering it as an educational path and school of life. It is evident that sport develops the social dimension of being, teaching to play with others and to favor the common good over one’s own.

Minister Abodi declared that the signing of the protocol with Scholas Occurentes ratifies the common will to contribute, through sport, to providing a further impetus and substance to every sporting initiative, activity and project, understood as a 360-degree education and socializing tool .

The Minister also underlined that the distinctive elements of the Scholas Occurentes action are perfectly integrated with the political line that his dicastery is pursuing, i.e. the fundamental role of sport, including through schools and other educational agencies, within the ambit of social dimension of the individual and respect for others.

Finally, the Minister ensured maximum support in order to identify and qualify suitable places where to be able to offer opportunities on a daily basis, in compliance with the mission that characterizes Scholas Occurentes.

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