Home » Elections 2022, news on the Government of today 25 August

Elections 2022, news on the Government of today 25 August

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Elections 2022, news on the Government of today 25 August

The Authority vetoed the confrontation at Porta a Porta «between only two political subjects» because «it does not comply with the principles of equal treatment and impartiality of information». The Democratic Party: “The Authority does not prohibit confrontation between two, but the single debate”. Calenda: «Right decision». Conte: «Letta and Meloni are not the only alternatives for Italy». Berlusconi: «I’m not passionate about the problem of duels on TV: I’m skeptical about comparisons on TV, they often turn into fights. Much better that each leader illustrates his own program ». Then on the Flat tax he opens to the Lega’s proposal: «At 23%? It can even go down to 15% ». Meanwhile, there is discussion on the dem proposal to extend compulsory schooling.
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The podcast / 1 – A country in need, while Salvini dreams of Hungary
The comment – That black thread with the past that Meloni is unable to cut

09.22 – Conte: “Me in the opposition? No, I imagine myself in the government “
If I imagine myself in the opposition after the vote? “I imagine myself in the government,” the M5S leader Giuseppe Conte told Radio Popolare. “It is complicated – admits the former prime minister – but jokes aside I say that the Italians have a great destiny in their hands”, if that 40% of abstention “decides to go to vote means completely overturning polls and forecasts”.

09.16 – Berlusconi on the rape video of Piacenza: “Sterile debate, Italians are interested in safety”
Speaking of the controversy surrounding the publication on social media of the video of the Piacenza rape by Giorgia Meloni, Silvio Berlusconi tells the microphones of Rtl 102.5: “This story surprised and disheartened me and shows that the political debate in Italy is really far from reality. They are all arguing about the publication of the video, but what is the serious thing: that a woman can be raped so easily or that someone can publish a video? The Italians are interested in safety, not sterile debates ».

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09.15 – Berlusconi: “Draghi experience positive, now carry on nuclear power”
«I was the first to indicate Draghi as a possible Prime Minister. I consider Draghi’s work with this government of national unity absolutely positive, from which only Giorgia Meloni has escaped “. This is the balance drawn up by Silvio Berlusconi, interviewed by RTL 102.5. For the leader of Forza Italia,” Draghi will do well from now to the end of the legislature, and I think it should immediately take over the regasifiers and waste-to-energy plants “, moreover, Berlusconi continues,” we need to start research on the new generation of nuclear power, which is the future of energy. We must immediately restart these things without losing even a day ».

09.10 – Berlusconi, I at the Quirinale? No, now it’s time to help out
“No, now is the time to lend a hand to my country with these elections.” This was stated by the President of Forza Italia, Silvio Berlusconi, at Rtl102.5, answering the question if you still think about the Quirinale.

09.02 – Berlusconi: skeptical of TV duels, they become fights
«I’m not passionate about the problem of duels on TV: I’m skeptical about comparisons on TV, they often turn into fights. Much better that each leader illustrates his own program ». This was stated by the President of Forza Italia, Silvio Berlusconi, at Rtl102.5.

08.55 – Read: competition is between us and the right, or here or there
«The electoral law requires competition only between large parties. I don’t like this electoral law but this is it. This vote is a vote with a confrontation in which one is either here or there. The only alternative to competing with the right is us ». Thus the secretary of the Democratic Party, Enrico Letta, guest of Radio Capital. “But the question of post-vote dialogue arises in an abstract way with respect to the fact that at the time of the vote, the voters will choose among the big parties – he continues – The M5S in the elections has excluded itself, their possibility of competing is almost nil. The majority will be played between right and left ».

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08.50 – Read, on abortion with Cdx return to the past, watershed vote
«Chiara Ferragni has touched on a very delicate issue», «Law 194 must be applied in all its aspects, what happens in the Marche is quite disturbing and I think it was important to lift the veil on the matter. Salvini’s words made it clear what the risk is, he said he likes the Hungarian family model. But that is not the model for a free society ». This was said by the secretary of the Democratic Party, Enrico Letta, interviewed by Radio Capital. According to Letta “the vote of 25 September will also be a watershed in the matter of rights between those who want to go back to the past and those who think that rights are an intangible sphere”.

08.43 – Read: compulsory school? We have to invest
«Words in freedom, those of Salvini. Today the compulsory schooling is 6-16 years, too little and is one of the reasons why education in the country works only partially. We need to invest in school, in education: all the research says that we start training at 3-4 years old. Then, our main proposal is that in 5 years our teachers have salaries in line with the rest of the EU: today they lack sufficient progression and end up with inadequate salaries ». Enrico Letta affirms this to Radio Capital, replying to those who ask him to comment on the words of the leader of the League according to which the extension of compulsory education would be a Stalinist choice.
08.30 – Berlusconi: the taxman is the real problem, for the left the taxes are beautiful
“The taxman is the real problem, the most important of all, because it brings everything else with it and is the real difference between us and the left. For them, taxes are beautiful, for us they are not, they are a painful necessity to be reduced as much as possible ». He tells Rtl 102.5 Silvio Berlusconi, leader of Forza Italia. For the left, the former prime minister remarked, “the State must take care of everything, for us it must do the essential things: guaranteeing our freedom by ensuring internal and external security, ensuring justice, helping the weakest to have new opportunities “.

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