Home » Elections breaking news. Submit the lists. New Letta-Meloni clash over the rape of Piacenza and “deviances”

Elections breaking news. Submit the lists. New Letta-Meloni clash over the rape of Piacenza and “deviances”

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Elections breaking news.  Submit the lists.  New Letta-Meloni clash over the rape of Piacenza and “deviances”


Sicily, appeal to the Democratic Party in Chinnici after the breakup of the 5 Star Movement: «Go ahead». Today the decision

Cucchi: I am not a politician, but a candidacy with Si-Verdi to throw a jacket on those who make decisions
  • Sicily, appeal to the Democratic Party in Chinnici: “Go ahead”

    In the night, at the end of a long regional direction, which has been updated to date, the appeal of the Pd Sicily to Caterina Chinnici, the MEP candidate for the Presidency of the Sicilian Region, to continue her commitment, despite the break with the M5S that announced the solo race. The democratic leadership reiterated «the support and full confidence in Caterina Chinnici, candidate for the presidency of the Region for the progressive coalition. The choice approved with the primaries and supported by the entire Democratic Party is not in the least affected by the behavior of political forces who, instead of supporting a path of great change, have decided to betray the vote of thousands of Sicilians “. The management, which lasted for over 4 hours, has been updated to date in the presence of the national secretary Enrico Letta, to continue the work for the approval of the lists at the provincial level for the next regional elections. Meanwhile, Caterina Chinnici’s decision on whether to continue her commitment as a presidential candidate is awaited for today.

  • Presented the lists, amid controversy and poisons

    The electoral lists have been presented and the various parties announce the candidacies. The President of the Senate Elisabetta Casellati shows up in Basilicata, Berlusconi in Monza, Piedmont and Lazio 2. Comrade Fascina is also a candidate. The former mayor of Parma Pizzarotti breaks with the Third Pole. The former magistrate Palamara will not participate in the elections.

  • Letta-Meloni clash on the video of the rape in Piacenza

    The video of the rape in Piacenza of a native of Guinea against a Ukrainian woman, posted on Twitter by Giorgia Meloni, unleashes the political controversy. Secretary Dem Enrico Letta attacks by speaking of “indecent and indecent video”. He replies the leader of FdI: “The violation of dignity is not the condemnation of rape, it is rape.” The mayor of Piacenza: “With the video the victim raped twice”. Letta also launches the hashtag #VivaLeDevimenti in response to Meloni’s speech which ensured the fight “against drugs and deviances”.

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