Home » Elmer Canales Rivera, alias ‘El Crook de Hollywood’, head of the Mara Salvatrucha MS-13, is captured in the United States

Elmer Canales Rivera, alias ‘El Crook de Hollywood’, head of the Mara Salvatrucha MS-13, is captured in the United States

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“Crook” was arrested in Mexico last Friday for an extradition request and is already in the custody of the United States, where he is accused of four terrorism crimes, an official from the US Embassy confirmed. Ceook was one of the most wanted gang members by US authorities and identified by Washington as one of the architects of an alleged negotiation between the criminal organization and the Government of Bayib Bukele, who seeks to be re-elected as president of the republic in 2024.

Who is El Cerook?

23 years ago Elmer Canales Rivera He was arrested for the first time accused of participating in the kidnapping of a person in the so-called Costa Azul case; The year was 2020 and the nickname “Crook” -barely 24 years old- he still did not appear as one of the main ranfleros of the Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13).

His body, like many members of the Mara Salvatrucha He is covered in tattoos, although not on his face; Sometimes his face is only decorated with a mustache, like in the photo he released in 2021. US Department of the Treasury to warn that he was considered a fugitive from justice.

And the criminal activity of the “Crook” dates back to the 1990s when he was part of the clique “Hollywood Locos”, an MS-13 cell that operated in Los Angeles, California.

But once captured in The Savior and imprisoned in the Apanteos prison, “Crook” became one of the main leaders of the prison gangs; next to Borromeo Enriquez Henriquez Solorzano“El Diablito”, founded At Ranfla.

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Over the years La Ranfla would become a source of income for the Mara Salvatrucha thanks to the collection of extortions, according to a report by the Salavadoreño media The lighthousewhich they directed from inside the country’s prisons.

In an attempt to wrest control of the prisons from the gangs, the government of The Savior transferred several criminals to other prisons; he “Crook” He was one of them and between 2010 and 2015 he wandered between the “Zacatraz” prison and Ciudad Barrios, until he was released in 2021.

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The “Crook” among the 14 founders of the Mara Salvatrucha

According to a list released by the Eastern District Court of New York, the US government is looking for 14 founding members of the Mara Salvatrucha; among them appear the names of Borromeo Enríquez Henríquez, Elmer Canales Rivera (the “Crook”)Ephraim Cortez, Ricardo Alberto Diaz and Edson Sachary Euphemia.

Among the thousands of gang members detained by the regime Nayib Bukele It is presumed that at least 10 members of At Ranfla They are imprisoned in one of the prisons of El Salvador; However, none have been extradited to the United States; two are considered fugitives; one denied extradition (Hugo Armando Quintero Mineros); and one captured, the “Crook”.

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