Home » EMCALI solved the filtration of wastewater in the Cañaveralejo River

EMCALI solved the filtration of wastewater in the Cañaveralejo River

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EMCALI solved the filtration of wastewater in the Cañaveralejo River

EMCALI quickly responded to the complaint filed by the residents of the Bella Suiza neighborhood, located in commune 19 of the capital of Valle.

This had to do with intense odors that were invading a large part of this sector near the Cañaveralejo River, due to the seepage of sewage into this important tributary of the capital of the Valley.

Situation that generated the call of the citizens of this Cali neighborhood to EMCALI, to repair this inconvenience that affects the Cañaveralejo river and the daily life of this community.

Beatriz Eugenia Valencia, owner of one of the apartments located in the Bella Suiza sector, stated the following in this regard:

“We made a call for them to come and check because a few days ago they were feeling very strong odors like sewage. We thank EMCALI for coming in a timely manner and it has been shown that there were some pipes filled with concrete that were not allowing the wastewater to function, causing it to leak into the clean water spring, harming us with odors”, Valencia explained.

“I take the opportunity to call on the DAGMA to come and carry out the reforestation of the ravine through the reserve that we have with many wild animals that we take great care of,” he added.

In addition, EMCALI made a commitment to the community of this sector of Cali to plant two trees that adorn and enhance the environmental scenario of the sector.


EMCALI approved resources for $22,000 million to implement an impact plan for the optimization works of the Cañaveralejo Wastewater Treatment Plant, Ptar.

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This Plant urgently needs optimization of its current infrastructure, since it was built in 2002 and in 2017, when there was talk of making this optimization, 15 years had already passed.


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