Home » Endeavor China’s Great River Surging丨The stones here will bloom_中国网

Endeavor China’s Great River Surging丨The stones here will bloom_中国网

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The industrial and mining remains are the witnesses of human civilization and historical development. China is rich in industrial and mining relics, how to “awaken” them in the right way?

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that it is necessary to thoroughly implement the concept that green water and lush mountains are invaluable assets, organically combine ecological governance with the development of characteristic industries, and embark on a road of coordinated development of ecology and economy, and harmonious coexistence between man and nature.

Recently, the media report team of the major theme publicity event of “Strive for China’s Great River” went to Huangshi. When the Changjiang Yun News reporter mentioned the butterfly change of Huangshi’s “turning an old mine into a beautiful park”, the relevant person in charge of the Huangshi Municipal Government expressed his sincere emotion: “Clear water and green mountains are golden mountains and silver mountains. Practice has proved that we are going the right way gone.”

yellowstone national mine park

The big blast furnace that “shocked the world” is full of fire

Hubei Huangshi, an ancient and young land, has a long and glorious history.

From the important birthplace of Chinese industrial civilization to the cradle of modern Chinese national industry, the 3,000-year history of smelting, more than 100 years of industrial history, and 70 years of city-building history have made Huangshi an inclusive, innovative, realistic, and self-improving city. Spirit.

After the rise of the Westernization Movement in the Qing Dynasty, Zhang Zhidong, governor of Huguang, built the first large-scale open-pit iron mine in Asia at that time, the Daye Iron Mine, which became the cradle of my country’s modern national industry.

Daye Iron Works

Daye Iron Works may be known to few people, but it built a large blast furnace that “leaded in Asia and shocked the world” more than a hundred years ago; Symmetrical aircraft girder rough, successfully rolled high-temperature alloy spinning tubes on self-made equipment to provide materials for key engine components for “Dongfanghong No. 1”. From the launch of China’s first artificial earth satellite and the Shenzhou series of spacecraft, to the flight of “Chang’e” to the moon, to the launch of “Tiangong” and “Beidou”, the new Daye Special Steel has provided steel for key components.

At the same time, the cement industry, which is synchronized with steel, is not far behind. Since the advent of Huaxin Cement in 1907, the Huangshi area has been hailed as the “hometown of cement” by the world. According to official information, “Pagoda” cement won the gold and silver awards of the Nanyang Quanye Association and the first prize of the Panama Games in the United States in the second year of Xuantong. In the 1950s, Huaxin was known as “No. 1 in the Far East”. Since the advent of Huaxin Cement, the top ten buildings in Beijing, from the Great Hall of the People to the Monument to the People’s Heroes, from Gezhou Dam to the Three Gorges Dam, from the Qingtong Gorge on the Yellow River to Xiluodu on the Jinsha River and other water conservancy projects, from the Beijing-Zhuhai Expressway to the Qinghai-Tibet Railway, from Wuhan The Yangtze River Bridge to the Nanjing Yangtze River Bridge and other highway and railway bridges over the Yangtze River have left many monuments of Huaxin Cement.

According to statistics, Huangshi, which is “built by mining and prospered by mining”, has proven 77 kinds of mineral resources in 4 categories such as energy, metal, non-metal, water and gas, and reserves of iron, copper, gold, limestone and other resources. The first place in the province. However, the extensive development of the economy has also allowed Huangshi to accumulate too many ecological debts.

In the past, there were 156 wharves and 200 berths distributed along the 79.37-kilometer Yangtze River coastline in Huangshi, including 106 wharves and 123 berths that did not have a port operating license or did not conform to urban planning. Illegal terminals accounted for more than 60%. These illegal docks and berths have been built, demolished and rebuilt over the years, repeatedly, not only occupying the good coastline, endangering the safety of shipping, destroying the ecological environment, but also causing a sharp drop in the utilization rate of shoreline resources, becoming a lingering problem. The pain of the city, the “sorrow” of the city, and because of the rock extraction operations along the coast, it has caused great damage to the mountains of the Yangtze River. .

Daye Nonferrous Shenjiaying Wharf, built in 1958, is one of them. The wharf is a special wharf for the export and transshipment of cathode copper and sulfuric acid products. It transships nearly 800,000 tons of concentrated sulfuric acid every year, and transports it to Jingmen, Yichang and other places along the Yangtze River waterway. With the continuous expansion of production scale, the sulfuric acid terminal not only threatens the drinking water source protection area, but also large and small trucks pass by on the terminal. The noise and dust have caused great troubles to the surrounding residents, making this area a complaint from the citizens ” hot spots”.

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The mining area is restored to a scenic spot, and the industry is upgraded to “green, rich and beautiful”

If the ecology is prosperous, Huangshi will prosper; if the ecology is beautiful, Huangshi will be beautiful.

Huangshi National Mine Park is the first national mine park in China. The “predecessor” is the Daye Iron Mine in Hubei, which was once known as the “WISCO Granary”. However, hidden ecological environment concerns lie behind the glory. Over the past 100 years, the mining pit has been as deep as 168 meters below sea level, 130 million tons of iron ore have been mined, and 370 million tons of waste rock has been discharged. The waste rock has accumulated on both sides of the open pit for more than 10 kilometers.

After large-scale mining, the local mineral resources are gradually exhausted, and the miners are also actively seeking a breakthrough in transformation. They were unyielding, and it took them 40 years to plant hundreds of thousands of locust trees on the waste rocks, covering the once devastated mines with a layer of green. Today, through ecological restoration, Huangshi planted ecological restoration forests on the rocky mountains piled up by excavating mine pits, creating a miracle of planting trees on stones and blooming on rocks. Pursuing the modern way of harmonious co-existence between man and nature, Huangshi strives hard to create a “landscape garden city and the most beautiful industrial city”.

Since 2010, in order to improve the production and living environment of citizens, Huangshi has raised the ecological civilization to an unprecedented height, and started mine restoration, enterprise rectification, and Yangtze River governance.

According to statistics, there are 78 open ponds in Huangjing Mountain and Changle Mountain in Huangshan City, including 63 in Huangjing Mountain and 15 in Changle Mountain, covering an area of ​​4,600 mu.

After entering the new century, the People’s Congress of Huangshi City successively made the “Resolution on Closing Kaishan Tangkou at the northern foot of Huangjing Mountain” and “Resolution on Comprehensive Renovation of Kaishan Tangkou”. According to the requirements of the resolution, Huangshi City adopts pilot projects first, gradually popularizes them, absorbs the strengths of others, and works for a long time. On the steep and huge Kaishan Tangkou rock, artificially constructed natural vegetation with three-dimensional arrangement of trees, shrubs, grass, and vines, green buds and leaves grew on the exposed rocks, awakening a It is a green mountain that has been dry for too long. By the end of 2022, the restoration of 78 open mountain ponds at the northern and southern foot of Huangjing Mountain and Changle Mountain has been completed. A total of 1,100 mu of mine waste land has been recovered, and 6 industrial projects have been resettled. The air quality in the urban area has improved significantly. Dustfall and noise decibels were reduced by 94.7% and 44.7% respectively, and annual soil erosion was reduced by more than 40,000 tons.

Aerial photography of cliff carvings with the word “tiger”

In the Chinese New Year of the Year of the Tiger in 2022, the cliff carvings on Huangjing Mountain, the huge 80-meter-tall “tiger” character became popular again, and became a hotly discussed spot on the Internet.

At the same time as the restoration of Huangjing Mountain, the city banned and shut down 123 illegal sand and gravel wharves along the Yangtze River, re-optimized and adjusted the development layout of open-pit mines, closed 131 small quarries, and suspended production and rectification of 60; invested nearly 800 million yuan to implement green mines along the Yangtze River. Afforestation of 18,000 mu and 150,000 trees were planted. Based on the restoration of 27 kaishan ponds along the Yangtze River, it was further advanced to a range of 10 kilometers along the Yangtze River, and the restoration and management of the mine area was 13,000 mu, creating a model belt of green mountains and green waters along the Yangtze River. Through nearly three years of hard work, the structure of mining development is obviously reasonable, and the mining economy is revived in spring with the dead leaves. The Huangshi Yangtze River coastline after treatment is lush and green, and the beautiful scenery of “the water in front of Xisai Mountain looks blue, and the chaotic clouds are full of Chengtan”. Once again in front of the world.

While repairing the mine, Huangshi City implemented industrial upgrading and focused on promoting green transformation. Since 2013, Huangshi City has completely shut down more than 1,000 “five small” enterprises, eliminated 1.29 million tons of outdated steel production capacity, and 1.35 million tons of coal production capacity. The Hubei Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government spoke highly of it, dismantling 236 intermediate frequency furnaces in 98 mold steel enterprises, which promoted the adjustment of the industrial structure. In addition, 16 enterprises in the city included in the task list of shutting down, reforming, moving and transferring of chemical enterprises along the Yangtze River were closed, transformed, transferred to production, and relocated. Moving fine and green has promoted green development and industrial transformation and upgrading.

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Renovate the wharf, the coastline of the Yangtze River becomes a scenic line

The big river flows day and night, and the song is not young.

In 2016, taking the rectification of problems reported by central and provincial ecological and environmental protection inspectors as an opportunity, the Huangshi Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government directly deployed, and the Huangshi Port District strengthened supervision, and made every effort to promote the environmental rectification and closure and relocation of Daye Nonferrous Shenjiaying Wharf.

Huangshi City established a working group for cleaning and rectifying wharves along the Yangtze River, with the main leading comrades as the team leader, and a group of capable and professional experts were drawn from 10 functional departments to form 3 special working teams to carry out the work. The “Special Rectification Work Plan for Wharfs along the Yangtze River in Huangshi City” and “Comprehensive Renovation Work Plan for Illegal Wharfs along the Yangtze River” have been issued successively.

Administrative, judicial, economic, market and other means and measures were taken together, and all illegal docks and berths were dismantled in just over two months. In order to prevent the resurgence of the ashes and avoid falling into the “vicious circle” of “rectification-rebound-remediation” of illegal docks, Huangshi put pressure on itself and set the “acceptance standards for the demolition of illegal docks along the Yangtze River”, which includes all equipment and facilities on the dock site. All buildings must be dismantled and transported away from the site; all buildings at the terminal must be dismantled; the goods at the terminal yard must be cleaned up, free of sundries and waste, and the site should be level; water barges and other facilities must be dismantled and removed from the terminal area; the shoreline occupied by the terminal Must be restored etc.

With the introduction of the “Huangshi Standard”, Huangshi’s illegal wharf rectification work has achieved practical results, and was evaluated by the Hubei Provincial Government as “the most resolute attitude, the fastest action, the most vigorous work, and the best rectification effect” in the province’s illegal wharf rectification work.

“Over there is a sand pier, here is a coal pier, there is a sulfuric acid pier in the middle, and a smaller mixed loading pier.” Huangshi resident Wang Yuanguo introduced that before the rectification, within a short distance of two to three hundred meters , Shenjiaying gathered 4 piers.

On December 4, 2017, with the wharf renovation work under way, the Shenjiaying Wharf of Daye Nonferrous Metals Company was permanently closed after all ground attachments were cleaned up.

Statistics from relevant departments show that during the renovation period, the section from Shenjiaying Port Wharf to Jiancaisha Station was demolished and fenced twice; Hongtai Driving School, Daxing Driving School, and Xinli Driving School were completely demolished; A total of 25 houses and buildings were demolished at the building material sand station, the Shenjiaying Wharf of the Port Group, the Polymerized Water Purification Material Factory of Huangshi Power Group Co., Ltd., and the Daye Nonferrous Sulfuric Acid Wharf. In addition, the strong men in the Huangshi Port area broke their wrists and successively demolished 15 illegal berths and 2 factory buildings with an area of ​​1,400 square meters along the water source of the Yangtze River. They demolished 123 illegal berths along the Yangtze River coastline in their jurisdiction, and shut down and demolished 6 driving schools. and 1 industrial enterprise.

In 2018, Daye Nonferrous Metals invested 120 million yuan to build a new terminal in Huangshi New Port Park, Qipanzhou. The new terminal adopts the most stringent environmental protection standards, with an annual throughput capacity of 2.1 million tons and numerous transport vessels. The original Shenjiaying Wharf has been turned into an ecological park for citizens to relax and exercise.

Not long ago, Wang Yuanguo took a video with a drone and posted it on his Douyin account. In the video, under the blue sky, the blue waves of the Yangtze River, the spacious and smooth avenue along the river… What he didn’t expect was that this short 30-second video had more than 110,000 hits and nearly 2,000 likes.

Today, 108 piers in Huangshi City have completed the clearing work, and 103 piers have completed or basically completed ecological restoration. A total of 221,581 trees have been planted, and the green area has reached 2,782 mu.

Net lake bird watching source: Huangshi Daily

From one bird elusive to all birds flying together

Under the feet is a thriving fertile soil;

Ahead is a journey of greenness and hope.

While “scraping bones to treat poison” on mines, the Yangtze River and enterprises, Huangshi has not relaxed its management of inland lakes and wetlands.

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Always remember, there will be reverberations. Taking the Wanghu Wetland Nature Reserve in Hubei as an example, after nearly five years of hard work, 95.2% of Wanghu’s Class III water quality indicators have met the standard, and the only thing that exceeded the standard was the total phosphorus content, which continued to decline overall, with the highest decline reaching more than 30%. For the first time in 2009, water quality inferior to Grade V was eliminated.

Hubei Wanghu Wetland Nature Reserve is located on the south bank of the middle reaches of the Yangtze River, at the confluence of the Fushui River and the Yangtze River, in Yangxin County, Huangshi City, consisting of Wanghu Lake, Zhupo Lake, Xiayang Lake, Jiajie Lake, Rong Lake, Saiqiao Lake, It is composed of shallow lakes such as Pagoda Lake, flooding marsh wetlands and lakeshore mountains, with a total area of ​​20,495 hectares, including 6,598 hectares in the core area, 2,106 hectares in the buffer zone, and 11,791 hectares in the experimental area, involving 8 towns and districts in Yangxin County. It is the only one in Huangshi City. provincial nature reserve. In 2001, a county-level nature reserve was established, and in 2004 it was upgraded to a city-level nature reserve. In 2006, it was approved by the provincial people’s government to establish a provincial-level nature reserve. In 2018, it was included in the List of Wetlands of International Importance. It mainly protects the typical wetland ecosystem of Wanghu Lake, rare and endangered animals and plants and their habitats, and belongs to the nature reserve of inland wetland and water ecosystem type.

Five-year governance, direct investment of more than 300 million yuan, accumulative rectification of 101 problems with a total area of ​​12,861.23 hectares, 126 problems of the Green Shield Action to meet the standards, a total of 44 enterprises were closed, 20 productions were suspended, 1 was banned, and the demolished building area was 165,100 square meters , 1636.95 hectares of ecological restoration.

Under a series of effective protection measures, the ecological environment of the reserve has been restored, and the population of water birds has increased significantly, from 33,974 in 2018 to 57,944 in 2019, 79,455 in 2020, 84,853 in 2021, and even more in 2022. The number exceeded 100,000, ranking the top three in the province. Rare and endangered birds have also set new records frequently. In 2019, 74 white cranes were discovered, and at the end of 2020, 30 oriental white storks were discovered. Hooded cranes were discovered for the first time in 2021. According to the new list of national key protected birds, there are as many as 58 species. “Hometown of Migratory Birds”.

While improving the ecological environment, Huangshi City encourages enterprises to apply for the establishment of high-tech enterprises, green factories and “specialized, special and new” small giant enterprises, so as to promote enterprises to move towards green and high-end, so as to drive social and economic development. As of May this year, the city has 478 high-tech enterprises, 117 small giant enterprises above the provincial level, and 7 national green factories. Huangshi Economic and Technological Development Zone has been rated as a national green industrial park.

In 2022, Huangshi’s main economic indicators will rank first in the province. The GDP of the region has historically exceeded 200 billion yuan, reaching 204.151 billion yuan, an increase of 5.6% compared with 2021, and the growth rate ranks first in the province, city and prefecture; local public finance budget revenue increased by 17.8%, and the growth rate ranks first in the province; The per capita disposable income of urban and rural residents increased by 6.8% and 8.3% respectively, which was higher than the economic growth rate; the eastern drive shaft of the Optics Valley Science and Technology Innovation Corridor was accelerated, the electronic information industry increased by 103%, and Huangshi ranked among the top 100 advanced manufacturing cities in the country; the city The loan balance increased by 15.8%, the second fastest growth rate in the province; the newly registered market players increased by 2.4 times, the first growth rate in the province.

The long river of history is constantly rushing, and the examination papers of the times are often published. Through scientific delineation, Hubei promulgated the country’s first local “Technical Specifications for the Natural Restoration of Abandoned Open-pit Mines Left Over from History”, which filled the gap in the system. Right now, Huangshi firmly grasps the scientific connotation of building an important growth pole of the Wuhan metropolitan area, promotes the simultaneous development of the four modernizations through comprehensive management of the river basin, highlights the “two keys” of building nodes and improving quality, and strives to write a new picture of modern Huangshi.

Producer: Wang Bin

Director system: Cen Zhuo

Producer: Hong Yan

Editor: Liang Yankangyao Fang Lin Rufeng

Coordinator: Luo Feng

Copywriter: Zou Min

Source: Changjiang Cloud News

[Responsible editor: Lu Xiaofan]

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