Home » Expansion of Costa asylum reaches 390 thousand euros for a new section

Expansion of Costa asylum reaches 390 thousand euros for a new section

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By the first half of 2025, the L’Aquilone nursery school in via Nino Costa will be expanded. The intervention was admitted for funding under the National Recovery and Resilience Plan. The funds, equal to 390 thousand euros, were obtained from the investment for nursery schools and preschools and early childhood education and care services of the Component relating to the enhancement of the educational services offered by Mission 4 “Education and Research “.

The project involves the construction of a new section and related toilet and dormitory services, in continuity with the current building in via Costa which houses 3 sections. The interventions, for a total of about 1,750 square meters arranged on one floor, will also modify the structure with new entrances and connections and the relocation of the space reserved for the laundry.

The facility is open to children from six months to three years old and is highly regarded for its educational and social function. The expansion is in line with the growing demand for early childhood education services in the municipal area and in adaptation to the new performance standards as required by the directives on energy efficiency and seismic vulnerability.

The Government Area of ​​the Territory of the Municipality of Chivasso will now have to countersign the agreement scheme of the Ministry of Education, containing the terms and procedures for reporting and monitoring the funding. For its part, the administration and the municipal council will decide on the relative budget variation and will update the three-year program of public works. –

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