Home » Father Leonardo Fajardo, rector of the Juan Pablo II Seminary in Valledupar, died

Father Leonardo Fajardo, rector of the Juan Pablo II Seminary in Valledupar, died

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Father Leonardo Fajardo, rector of the Juan Pablo II Seminary in Valledupar, died

The father Leonardo Fajardo Alvarez, 41 years oldrecognized for being the rector of the John Paul II Seminary, passed away this Sunday in Valledupar. According to those close to the priest, Álvarez suffered a heart attack while he was in the seminary facilities in the city.

The Diocese mourned his passing. “The Diocese of Valledupar reports the sensitive death of Fr. Leonardo Fajardo Álvarez, who served as rector of the John Paul II Seminary. Let us unite in prayer for his eternal rest.”

His body would be transferred to legal Medicine to confirm the causes that originated his death. Parishioners and city politicians mourned his death for his work with the community.

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