Home » Florence, stinging spray on the tram, evacuated the vehicle and driver in hospital

Florence, stinging spray on the tram, evacuated the vehicle and driver in hospital

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Florence, stinging spray on the tram, evacuated the vehicle and driver in hospital

A T1 Line tram in Florence was evacuated after a passenger sprayed stinging spray on board. It happened this morning, Saturday 8 October, at about 6 at the Cascine stop. The driver immediately alerted the radio room, informing that the passengers complained of difficulty in breathing, and evacuated the car that was parked on the platform. The radio room warned 112 requesting an intervention on the spot.

The driver, despite experiencing burning in his eyes and difficulty in breathing, managed to take the tram – at that point out of service – to the depot of the Gest headquarters in Scandicci, where he was rescued by 118 and taken to hospital for first care.

It seems that, fortunately, the passengers – at that moment, at dawn, not numerous – did not have serious problems. But the episode is serious because it could have put the driver in dangerous conditions when driving the Sirio.

Gest, the company that manages the Florence tramway service, condemns this serious episode and reserves the right to submit a formal complaint to protect passengers and their drivers. Gest, a press release reads, thanks the driver for his prompt intervention and the spirit of service shown and wishes him a complete and rapid recovery.

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