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Foods that can cause cavities

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Foods that can cause cavities

Caries is perhaps one of the most common oral health problems today that can appear from childhood.

Although the causes are usually related to oral hygiene, especially if you do not get used to frequent dental cleaning, the intake of certain foods contributes to a great extent to the creation of cavities.
But before going into details about the causes, it is essential to understand the disease.

Dentists agreed that caries has a greater presence in children and adults

What is tooth decay?
Dentists agreed that caries is more prevalent in children and young adults. According to Giovana Delgado, a specialist in aesthetic and functional dentistry, “cavities are produced by an interaction between the bacteria that inhabit the mouth, sugars or carbohydrates, and a lack of hygiene.”
Caries is identifiable by sight, taking into account that it manifests as a dark color on the teeth and, in the worst cases, creates holes and fissures. The dentist Yohanna Miranda, who specializes in periodontics and oral medicine, explained that, as a result of the interaction between bacterial plaque and acids, “an imbalance is created in the oral pH and enamel damage occurs and, subsequently, of the dentin”.
The foods that cause it
In many fields of health, there is talk of how harmful foods rich in sugars and carbohydrates are. Dentistry is no exception. What are the products that could increase the risk of cavities?
Sugary drinks
Sodas and packaged juices are great examples of this category. To find out how much sugar or carbohydrate a bottle or container has, just look at the nutritional information.
An 8-ounce soft drink, for example, provides 26 grams of sugars to a 2,000-calorie diet.
Similarly, a 240 milliliter juice provides 18 grams of sugars.
The case of chocolate is peculiar since there are many types. The essential thing, then, is to highlight that it contains sugar, which is why it contributes to the appearance of cavities.

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Likewise, the consumption of dark drinks such as coffee, wine or chocolate is not recommended for patients with smile design, as they could stain the teeth.
In relation to this aesthetic procedure, a good dentist would not recommend that anyone with cavities do it. You must first fix the condition.
The study ‘Dental health: relationship between dental caries and food consumption’, published by specialist dentists from Madrid, Spain, identified that “foods with a high starch content (bread, cereals, potatoes) can increase the production of and it is slower elimination from the oral cavity”.
By remembering what was explained about bacterial interaction, it is understood why bread can cause cavities.
The inclusion of this food might surprise you, as it is not strictly ‘bad’. However, a serving of rice provides, on average, 15 grams of carbohydrates. Jorge Ferrús, a periodontologist, stated: “A frequent mistake is that many people who eat rice pancakes daily as a snack believe that their teeth are protected because they do not contain sugar (…) they do not know that the continued consumption of carbohydrates can also produce cavities”.

Recommendations to prevent caries

  • It is worth emphasizing that oral hygiene should be a habit acquired from childhood. However, there are other points to consider.
  • Dr. Giovanna Delgado shared with this medium the following recommendations:
  • Brush your teeth 3 times a day and, maximum, 10 or 15 minutes after eating so that the acids do not wear away the tooth enamel.
  • Use dental floss.
  • Make mouthwashes.
  • Eat a healthy diet, which reduces the intake of sugars and carbohydrates.
  • Visit the dentist at least every 6 months.
  • Change the toothbrush every 3 months.
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The caries is identifiable by sight considering that it manifests itself with a color
dark on the teeth and, in the worst cases, creates holes and fissures.

He also stated that “caries is not reversible”, therefore, the patient affected by this should go to the dentist to remove the infected tissue and restore the tooth with resin. He remembers that tooth decay is often considered the most common chronic disease in the world.
Regarding this, the dentist Miranda stated: “Most of my patients always have a cavity, even if it is. Very few are totally healthy”. Of course: if you pay attention to the shared recommendations, it can be prevented.

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