Home » Forza Italia also loses pieces in Lombardy: the commissioner Mattinzoli leaves the party

Forza Italia also loses pieces in Lombardy: the commissioner Mattinzoli leaves the party

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Forza Italia also loses pieces in Lombardy: the commissioner Mattinzoli leaves the party

MILAN. Forza Italia loses another piece, this time in Lombardy. After the farewell of the former minister for regional affairs and autonomies, Mariastella Gelmini, and the former minister for public administration, Renato Brunetta, now it is the turn of Alessandro Mattinzoli, councilor for Home and Social Housing of the center-right junta led by Attilio Fontana. He not only leaves Berlusconi’s party after 25 years of militancy but also leads the provincial level in Brescia. The commissioner himself defines it “a painful decision”, but reiterates “I know it is the right choice”.
«I no longer recognize the Forza Italia that I have known – he comments – I respect Gelmini but the theme is not following Gelmini. It’s just that right now I fully agree with her in her choice. With a pandemic that is once again aggressive, with the economic, energy and water crisis, we are bringing down an authoritative government led by Draghi to replace it with whom? Draghi was the most authoritative person to lead Italy ». A criticism raised by all those who decided to leave the party after the fall of the government led by Mario Draghi: “The strength of the center-right coalition – adds Mattinzoli – has never been the common thought, but on the contrary it is the difference between parties. Forza Italia is flattening out at the thought of the League ». Now it will be necessary to understand the internal moves of the junta regarding his proxies: «I respect Fontana and I will do what he deems useful for the good of Lombardy. I am available to him ». Meanwhile, from Palazzo Lombardia they let it be known in a note that “Having learned the recent decisions of the regional councilor for Social Housing and Housing, the president of the Lombardy Region reserves the right to carry out the necessary checks and to communicate any decisions on the matter in a short time”.
During the first wave of the Covid-19 pandemic in March 2020, councilor Mattinzoli had been one of the protagonists of the chronicles on the virus in Lombardy following his hospitalization at the Civil Hospitals of Brescia after the worsening of his conditions linked to the positivity to the virus. On Mattinzoli’s decision, a hard reply came from his colleagues from Forza Italia in Lombardy, who explain that they were not informed by the person concerned about his resignation: “Not a call to the group leader, not a call to the head of delegation, not a call to the regional coordinator ». «This morning we learned that Alessandro Mattinzoli has left Forza Italia. His attitude is rather disappointing on the human level before the political one “declare, in a joint note, Gianluca Comazzi, group leader of Fi at Palazzo Pirelli, and Fabrizio Sala, councilor for education and head of delegation of Fi in the regional council . “It is too easy – they say – to remain in a party as long as the latter guarantees you highly prestigious institutional roles and then to leave it when you fear losing your seat”. “Probably – continue Comazzi and Sala – such a decision was perhaps also dictated by the fear of losing his role during the next electoral campaign: we hope, more for him than for us, that after a long history in Forza Italia Mattinzoli will not you deny your path to end up in left-wing containers such as the Democratic Party or Action ».

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