Home » Francisco Javier de Valledupar neighborhood was not targeted for home improvement: Comptroller

Francisco Javier de Valledupar neighborhood was not targeted for home improvement: Comptroller

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Francisco Javier de Valledupar neighborhood was not targeted for home improvement: Comptroller

Once again an alleged Fraud in the process of legalization of properties in the Francisco Javier neighborhood of Valledupar and that its inhabitants could obtain an economic benefit for the improvement of houses.

The above was denounced again by Cesar Ahumada, mayor of the Cinco commune of the capital of Cesar, to which this neighborhood belongs.

The social leader stated that the Comptroller General of the Nation responded to a right of petition in which he informed that said sector was not targeted to be included in the Casa Digna-Vida Digna program, of the Ministry of Housing, City and Territory, by the which in 2019 delivered, to the homeowners, check letters for the value of $14.900.000, which turned out to be false. It would also be demonstrated that there were irregularities in the process of giving payment by the Valledupar Mayor’s Office, to proceed with the land titling.

However, said checks could not be executed because the neighborhood is not legalized despite the process of payment by the municipality with the owner of the land.

For this, Ahumada has made different complaints in entities such as the Prosecutor’s Office, the Attorney General’s Office and the Comptroller’s Office, at the local and national level.

The most recent was made personally to the Comptroller General of the Nation, Carlos Hernan Rodriguezon his recent visit to Valledupar.

I delivered more than 107 pages in which there were receipts for payments made by the community to the owners of the properties represented in the firm Lascano Morales & Hijos, at that time, which was in the previous municipal administration, to some of the inhabitants and there was little left to finish paying for their properties. I also sent them the copy of the check letter delivered by the Ministry of Housing, when Jhonatan Malagón was minister and they were also signed by the Valledupar Mayor’s Office and the Cesar Governor’s Office. The complaint and all that was reflected in the documentsaid Smoked.

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Upon arrival of the response from the Comptroller General of the Nation, dated May 5, 2023, This indicates that the Francisco Javier neighborhood was never targeted to receive aid under the Casa Digna-Vida Digna program, because there was a process in the legalization of properties.

In relation to the property tax payment made by the municipality of Valledupar, the Comptroller General of the Republic carried out an exceptional control, and it is noted in its content that the Ministry of Housing informed this control entity that the urban settlement neighborhood Francisco Javier was never targeted among the beneficiaries of the Casa Digna-Vida Digna program in the city of Valledupar.” is read in the document.

They deceived people because they were in the middle of a political campaign in 2019, and they took them to the Crispín Villazón convention center, where the resolutions of the houses and the check letters were delivered. The check letters should be made effective by Fonvisocial and this did not happen because the properties are not legalized”, expressed Cesar Ahumada.

It should be noted that the former mayor of Valledupar, Augusto Ramírez Uhía, is being investigated for this entire process, mainly for the legalization of properties through dation of payment, since he initiated a legal process with the firm Lascano Morales & Hijos. The latter gave the municipality two lots in exchange for paying off the debt $993 million for property tax and interest of almost 50 properties in the name of the firm.

Among these would be the Francisco Javier neighborhood and also Villa Consuelo, but it turns out that for the former, a large part of the inhabitants have already paid for their land to the same firm.

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Due to the business between the municipal administration and the firm for the payment, it was supposedly for $20 billion and to this day there is a positive response for these neighborhoods, which prevents investment in public services or paving.

When consulting Fonvisocial about how the process of legalization of Francisco Javier’s properties is going, spokespersons for the entity maintained that everything is paralyzed until the investigation into the aforementioned sum of money is resolved by the competent entities. .


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