Home » Freedom of front-line members is only granted to guarantee control judges: Prosecutor – news

Freedom of front-line members is only granted to guarantee control judges: Prosecutor – news

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Freedom of front-line members is only granted to guarantee control judges: Prosecutor – news

President Petro insists on the release of young people who committed excesses in the 2021 national strike, the head of the Public Ministry responded sharply.

The Attorney General of the Nation, Margarita Cabello Blanco, described as a serious affectation for the Public Ministry, the statements of the National Government that point to the control entity and the Attorney General’s Office, as responsible for the members of the front line are not free.

In his speech at the meeting of the National Commission for the Coordination and Monitoring of Electoral Processes, which was attended by the Minister of the Interior, Luis Fernando Velaco Chavez, Cabello Blanco indicated that this type of demonstrations and expressions affect the tranquility and security in the electoral period, in addition to putting at risk the officials of the Public Ministry in the territories and the delegates who intervene in criminal proceedings.

The attorney stressed that the control agencies act under the Constitution and the Law and that the decision on the freedom of the members of the front line is solely made by the guarantee control judges.

Last December, in a meeting with Acción Comunal boards in Pasto, Nariño, President Petro said that he would release, before Christmas, hundreds of young people from the so-called front line and that he would name them “peace managers.”

Obviously, the Executive cannot arrogate this power, which is only the responsibility of the judiciary. Precisely, the Council of State has just asked President Petro to respect the independence of powers, given the criticism that he makes of the judicial rulings.

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