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Friday Hadith: ((And glorify God for having guided you, and perhaps you will be grateful))

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Friday Hadith: ((And glorify God for having guided you, and perhaps you will be grateful))

Muhammad Shirky

Among the grace and mercy of God Almighty upon His faithful servants is that when you worship them with the worship of fasting, He facilitates it for them by specifying the time for abstaining from dawn to sunset, which is a time when practicing this worship is tolerable, such that there is no difference between eating their daily meals when they break their fast, and eating them during Their fasting is when night meals replace daytime meals in Ramadan. If God Almighty had imposed fasting at night, which is a time in which they are at rest, it would not have made any sense, because they have no need for food while they are at rest.

Since one of the goals of fasting is to turn to the Book of God Almighty at night during the month of Ramadan, to recite it and contemplate in order to be guided by the guidance that God Almighty has included in it for their well-being in their immediate and future lives, the most appropriate is for their fast to be during the day, and to stay up for part of the night, the beginning and the end of which, with this book, recitation. And contemplate after the souls have become spiritually elevated during the day by getting rid of the desires that prevent this elevation, which qualifies them at night to deal with the spiritual nature of the words of God Almighty, which increases their distraction from what distracts them from Him.

God Almighty’s kindness to His faithful servants does not stop at this point only. Rather, God Almighty took into account their circumstances, whether health or travel, so He granted them concessions to ward off the hardship of fasting in such circumstances until their conditions stabilize, so they can make up for what they missed by fasting in other months, and have the same life. Reward and reward without detracting from their wages in the slightest. In view of all this divine relief, God Almighty is grateful to those who fast, whether those who completed their worship in full during the month of fasting or those who benefited from the blessing of concessions, in accordance with the Almighty’s saying: ((( God intends for you ease and does not want hardship for you )) And no one, in addition to this, Glory be to Him, has the right to talk about hardship or claim that, because God, Glory be to Him, knows best about creation, and He knows best what will be difficult for them.

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It is known that every gratitude that God Almighty extends to His creation because of the blessings He bestows on them necessarily requires gratitude from them. This is why God Almighty said directly after mentioning gratitude for the blessing of fasting: (( And glorify God for having guided you, and perhaps you will be grateful )), and glorifying God Almighty is glorifying Him, honoring Him, and glorifying Him, and it is done in word and in deed at the same time, as there is no meaning in glorifying God Almighty if its starting point is not from a conviction that resides in the heavens and is translated into deeds. There may be a tongue that magnifies God Almighty, and its owner performs actions that contradict what the tongue says. The glorification of God Almighty, which is said on the tongue with the appearance of the crescent of the month of Shawwal until the performance of the Eid prayer, is an expression of gratitude for what He, Glory be to Him, has bestowed in terms of the blessings of facilitating the performance of fasting worship, and what He has bestowed upon it of great reward and reward, as it is equivalent to the reward of praying Laylat al-Qadr out of faith and in expectation of the reward of a thousand. A month, which is a period that may not last the lives of many believers, which the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, told us that it is between sixty and seventy, but only a few more than that.

Among the goodness of God Almighty to His faithful servants is that He made His takbeer at the end of the rewards of fasting, the most important of which is the reward of forgiveness of their previous sins on the morning of their breaking of the fast, an expression of gratitude, as He said: (( Perhaps you will be grateful )), meaning we hope that your takbir will be a thank you for these rewards.

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Since the worship of fasting and standing in prayer is a deal between the Creator, Glory be to Him, and His faithful servants, what safeguards it is that they do not neglect it or nullify its gratitude by returning to sins and transgressions again, immediately after breaking their fast, as do, but are not limited to, alcohol drinkers who avoid drinking it for a month. Ramadan, so if it is the night of sighting of the crescent of the month of Shawwal, they will be seen staggering drunk, and this is a violation of gratitude for the blessing of fasting and its rewards, and similar to the ungratefulness of these drunkards for this blessing, is the ungratefulness of others who commit various sins and sins that God Almighty forgives in exchange for fasting and standing in which faith and seeking reward are required. One of the greatest of these transgressions and sins is that those who commit them seek help from the blessings of God Almighty, and this is the ultimate level of disbelief and ingratitude, God forbid.

Among the gratitude that must be given to those who fast is that they make what they were in during the month of fasting a habit and habit for them during the rest of the days of the year, because fasting, when contemplating and contemplating, is an annual training course that raises believers from the depths of transgressions and sins to the sublimity of guidance and uprightness, in order for this to become a habit for them. Therefore, you will not benefit from this annual training if those who are subject to it do not receive a benefit. It was mentioned in the hadith of the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace: Whoever does not give up false speech and acting upon it, God has no need for him to give up his food and drink “If the practice of abandoning false speech is to be practiced during the month of fasting, then it must be a regular and regular practice during the rest of the months of the year, and in this way it is to glorify God Almighty and thank Him, knowing that the verbal glorification is to say: ” Allah is the greatest “And behavior is to bring to mind the meaning of this saying, which means that there is no great person except God Almighty, which requires that His commands and prohibitions be above the orders and prohibitions of others, no matter who this other is, since he is not glorified, venerated, and no one exalts himself with Him, Glory be to Him and the Most High.

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The occasion of this Friday’s hadith is to remind the believers of the duty of glorifying, sanctifying, glorifying, and honoring God Almighty and thanking Him for the blessing of fasting and praying, and the great reward and reward He, Glory be to Him, has bestowed upon it. The best way to thank them is to continue the way they were during the few days of this month. It must not be forgotten that if God Almighty had willed, He would have imposed upon us the worship of fasting during all the months of the year, but God Almighty did not do so, because He wanted ease for us, and did not desire hardship for us, and He did not place any hardship on us in religion. It must also not be forgotten that the nature of our affliction in this worldly life required that our Lord, Glory be to Him, leave us the freedom to strive for steadfastness on His straight path without forcing us to do so, so that we can prove the sincerity of our intentions to be upright to Him, Glory be to Him, in word and deed. Otherwise, there is no meaning to affliction without it. freedom .

Oh God, we ask you to remain steadfast on your straight path, we ask you to maintain sincere repentance, we ask you to continue uprightness for the rest of your life, we ask you to meet you while we are in your good piety, we ask you for a return that is not shameful, and we ask you for uninterrupted bliss.

Praise be to God, by whose grace good deeds are accomplished. May God’s blessings and peace be upon our master Muhammad and all his family and companions.

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