Home » From pensions to citizenship income: all the Calderone-social partners dossiers

From pensions to citizenship income: all the Calderone-social partners dossiers

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From pensions to citizenship income: all the Calderone-social partners dossiers

The hypotheses under study

A “prize” is being studied for those who postpone their retirement. With a paycheck that is about a third heavier. But not geared to the over 63s and, probably, not for everyone. Also because its priority “mission” would be to avoid new escapes from the public sector, starting with doctors. The decontribution to incentivize workers in possession of retirement requirements to stay at work, proposed by the League, is being examined by government technicians to verify its real feasibility, also in terms of costs, in view of the launch of the maneuver with which they should take measures to replace Quota 102, perhaps with a revised version (62 or 63 years of age and 41 of payments). It is precisely the minimum requirements required to access the pension, which in more than one case differ between the various categories, would become the threshold beyond which the incentive would be triggered. The unions are asking to introduce a system of flexibility to avoid being in January with the possibility of retiring only when at least 67 years of age or after having paid 42 years and 10 months of contributions. CGIL, CISL and UIL ask to build a guarantee pension for young people, to give the possibility to leave 62 years or with 41 years of contributions regardless of age, to recognize the diversity between jobs and a ward for women.

Benefits and productivity rewards

The idea of ​​the Meloni executive is to use the fiscal lever to support the disposable income of workers, through the spread of corporate welfare and productivity bonuses, with an advantage for the competitiveness of companies. The government is evaluating on a mix of instruments (see also Il Sole 24 Ore of 2 November). Firstly, we would like to strengthen fringe benefits, a tool that allows you to increase wages (they are tax-free for workers), but underutilized. The Aid bis decree has raised, but only for 2022, the exemption to 600 euros (from 258.32 euros it had already been raised to 516.46 euros), also including expenses for domestic users, a help that is very much felt by families . In addition to these 600 euros there are also the 200 euros of the fuel voucher also introduced by the Draghi government. The idea of ​​the executive technicians is to confirm the intervention on the fringe benefits also for 2023; and if possible by further raising the ceiling to one thousand euros. As for productivity bonuses, the executive aims to make them more affordable. Today productivity bonuses are taxed with a flat rate coupon of 10% up to 3 thousand euros per year, for incomes of up to 80 thousand euros. The government is considering halving the tax rate, lowering it from 10 to 5 percent.

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Basic income

A revision of the citizenship income is also being studied to distinguish between those earners who, not being able to work, need support, as a measure of social protection, and those who are considered “employable” and must take action if necessary. to train, to fit into the job. According to government sources, a restyling of this income support will also be included in the maneuver. The solutions in the field are different and a synthesis is being sought in the executive. On the eve of the meeting between Calderone and the social partners, the Deputy Minister for Labor Claudio Durigon underlined, on the occasion of a speech on Radio 24, that the citizenship income will not end on December 31st of this year, but also added that the Rdc «it cannot be something that is given for life to those who can and must go to work. Something can be planned right away, we will discuss it with the minister of reference, Calderone and also with the coalition. I believe that there is a union of intentions », concluded the Northern League.

Currently there is a transfer of the check after the first refusal, the revocation after the second no. But for the system to actually take off, it is the position supported by many parties, it is necessary to strengthen the employment centers and the meeting between supply and demand. At the end of last June, according to the latest available data from Anpal, there were 660 thousand beneficiaries subject to the Pact for work and therefore “employable”.

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In recent days, the unions announced that on the occasion of the first meeting with the new Labor Minister they would also raise the issue of safety in the workplace.

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