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Gathering Consensus and Seeking Common Development–Global business people look forward to Summer Davos contributing new wisdom to world economic recovery_China Economic Net-National Economic Portal

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Xinhua News Agency, Tianjin, June 27th Summary: Gathering Consensus and Seeking Common Development–Global business people look forward to Summer Davos contributing new wisdom to world economic recovery

Xinhua News Agency reporter Xu Supei Song Rui

How to restart the growth of the world economy facing multiple challenges is currently the most concerned economic issue in the world. On the occasion of the opening of the 14th Annual Meeting of the New Champions (Summer Davos Forum) of the World Economic Forum, business people from all over the world expressed their expectation that Summer Davos, which will return to China for the first time in four years, will gather consensus, stimulate entrepreneurial spirit, and contribute to World economic recovery contributes “Chinese wisdom”.

This year’s Summer Davos Forum will be held in Tianjin, China from 27 to 29. According to the official website of the forum, the world economy is at a critical moment of transformation, and established business and industry models are not only being impacted by the new crown epidemic, but also are being tested by the geopolitical and economic environment. In response to the changing situation, the World Economic Forum resumed its tradition of hosting the “Summer Davos”.

Bolger Brende, President of the World Economic Forum, believes that this forum is held “at the right time”. He said that the world economy is facing multiple crises and challenges, and the international community urgently needs to strengthen global cooperation. “How to build confidence and rebuild economic growth in a divided world was a topic of widespread interest to the participants.”

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Yu Feng, president of Honeywell China, said that this Summer Davos Forum provides an “excellent platform” for jointly exploring ways of economic recovery and sustainable development, and re-stimulating innovation and entrepreneurship in Asia and the world.

“In terms of promoting world economic growth, addressing climate change, and promoting energy transition and sustainable development, no country can achieve its goals alone. Countries need to establish partnerships, and the world especially needs China to play a key role.” Yu Feng explain.

The theme of this year’s annual meeting is “Entrepreneurship: The Driving Force of the World Economy”. About 1,500 public and private sector leaders from more than 90 countries and regions participated in the meeting, gathering consensus and seeking common development, and how entrepreneurship can help The recovery of the world economy is looking for “China’s answer”.

Chen Liming, chairman of the Greater China region of the World Economic Forum, said that entrepreneurship is the driving force of world economic growth and is highly compatible with the current Chinese market environment. An important part of this year’s annual meeting is to rekindle the spirit of entrepreneurship, with the purpose of exploring the path of economic recovery.

Many executives of multinational companies believe that among the published conference agendas, China-related topics such as China’s future trends, China’s climate financing, a new blueprint for digital China, and the “Belt and Road” initiative will become the hot spots of this year’s annual conference. As an important engine of the world economy, China will inject continuous impetus into global development.

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Kim Fausin (Chinese name: Fang Xingjian), President and CEO of Danfoss Group, the world‘s leading provider of energy efficiency solutions, said at the opening ceremony of the Danfoss Global Refrigeration R&D and Test Center held in Tianjin not long ago that China is the world‘s economy and the growth of the group. “We are proud to have a long-term and close relationship with China.”

Koller, President and CEO of BMW Group Greater China, said that for BMW Group, China is not only the largest single market in the world, but also an important source of innovation. Currently, the BMW Shenyang production base is the largest production base of the BMW Group in the world, and the BMW Group has also established the largest R&D and digitalization system in China outside of Germany.

“Driven by the goal of high-quality development, China’s economy is moving towards digitalization and greenization, which will provide a broad space for the development of enterprises from all over the world in China.” Yu Feng said that Honeywell looks forward to better participating in it and giving full play to its value . (Participating reporters: Chen Binjie, Martina Fuchs, Zhu Sheng)

(Editor-in-charge: He Xin)

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