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Brazil’s President Lula and SPD agree to work together

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Brazil’s President Lula and SPD agree to work together

It is signed by PT President Gleisi Hoffmann and SPD Chairman Lars Klingbeil. The “Tagesspiegel” (Wednesday) had previously reported on the partnership agreement. The two parties agreed that the priority topics of cooperation would be “the defense of democratic values, the fight against the extreme right and its methods, and the joint establishment and defense of a bilateral world order”. Furthermore, “the promotion of peace and climate protection as well as the commitment to a sustainability-oriented global economy” are part of it.

Annual talks at the highest party level and participation in planning processes should take place for regular exchange. SPD leader Klingbeil visited Brazil in August. At that time he was hoping for a new green pact with the largest country in Latin America, as he told the dpa. In addition, it was agreed to initiate a party dialogue between the PT and the SPD.

Controversial Ukraine position

“Other countries such as China and Russia have been investing in close ties with Brazil for years,” Klingbeil was quoted as saying by the “Tagesspiegel”. Against this background, too, the intensive dialogue with the Brazilian partners is worthwhile, said Klingbeil. This should put common interests at the center of the cooperation and promote one’s own perspective even on difficult issues, “for example, the condemnation of the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine, which violates international law”.

Brazilian President Lula was criticized for comments on the Ukraine war. During a visit to China, for example, he said: “The United States must stop promoting the war and start talking about peace. The EU needs to start talking about peace.”

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