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Government begins fuel compensation process for the taxi drivers union – news

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Government begins fuel compensation process for the taxi drivers union – news

In accordance with the schedule established for the DIAN 2022 merit contest, the National Civil Service Commission (CNSC) and the National Tax and Customs Directorate (DIAN) announced today that the application day will take place on September 17 of written tests in 42 cities, to assess the job skills of the 243,515 applicants who will be summoned, after having passed the Minimum Requirements Verification stage.

It should be remembered that the DIAN 2022 selection process offers a total of 4,700 vacancies, as follows: 500 for employees of the entity to be promoted in their positions and 4,200 for the entry of new employees to the personnel plant.

To prepare for this day of written tests, interested citizens can consult as of today the Applicant Orientation Guide, available at This document contains the general elements, the procedure, and the recommendations that admitted applicants must take into account before, during and after the application of the written tests for the two modalities.

For the development of this merit contest, the Fundación Universitaria del Área Andina is the one who acts as logistics operator, supported by Legis, the company in charge of the custody of the material for carrying out the written tests in each city of application, guaranteeing transparency and the safety of these

Chronology of the DIAN selection process

• On February 15, the Agreement and Annex corresponding to the rules of the DIAN 2022 selection process were published on the website www.cnsc.gov.co

• The registration stage was carried out between February 23 and March 10 for the promotion modality, that is, for the career servers that are part of the DIAN, and from March 15 to 29 for the open modality. , in which any Colombian over 18 years of age could participate. More than 272,000 people signed up.

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• Based on a bidding process, the Andean Area University Foundation was selected as operator of the different stages of the process.

• After the Verification of Minimum Requirements – VRM – on August 2, the applicants were informed of the result of Admitted or Not Admitted, through the website of the CNSC and SIMO – Support System for Equality , Merit and Opportunity. Between August 3 and 4, applicants had the opportunity to submit claims against these results through SIMO.

• After validating the claims presented against the Verification of Minimum Requirements, on August twenty-fifth (25), the final results of VRM were published, which resulted in 243,515 ADMITTED applicants.

• The DIAN 2022 selection process continues with the application day for written tests, scheduled for September 17, 2023, and to which the applicants admitted in the VRM Stage will be summoned.

• In the coming weeks through the website and the respective SIMO user, said summons will be notified with the written test application sites.

With opportunity, more information will be provided about the cities and the test presentation sites, as well as their construction process, so it is recommended that citizens frequently consult the website of the National Civil Service Commission and the SIMO application. .

Source: Directorate of National Taxes and Customs (DIAN)

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