Home » Green pass: from the news for the healed to the validity times of the tampons, here’s what changes

Green pass: from the news for the healed to the validity times of the tampons, here’s what changes

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The image is that of a matryoshka, in which each piece fits into a larger one. The decree approved by the government, which extended the Green pass obligation from 15 October in public and private workplaces, is just the latest in a series of measures that “rewrite” the green certificate. Under the title “Urgent measures to ensure the safe performance of public and private work by extending the application scope of the Covid-19 green certification and strengthening the screening system”, it also introduces a series of innovations for one of the tools to obtain the Green pass, that is the antigenic molecular swabs.

On the one hand in fact, those recovered from Covid will no longer have to wait 15 days from the first dose of Covid vaccine to get the Green pass but will get it immediately after the first administration. On the other the executive, when it held down the bar on the cost of tampons to be paid by workers (they will be free only for people exempt from the vaccine, in possession of suitable certification), has chosen to extend by one month, from 30 November (as required by the first Green pass decree, already converted into law) as at 31 December, the controlled price for rapid tampons in partner pharmacies. You pay 15 euros, instead of 22, for adults and 8 euros from 12 to 18 years.


Quick swabs in calmierated pieces, fine up to 10 thousand euros for those who do not comply

If pharmacies do not sell rapid antigen tests at controlled prices, they face a fine ranging from one thousand to 10 thousand euros and the territorially competent prefect, “taking into account the needs of the continuity of the pharmaceutical assistance service, can order the closure of the business for a duration not exceeding five days “.

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Green pass bis: valid for 72 hours for molecular swabs

So far the last decree to obtain the go-ahead from the Council of Ministers, Thursday 16 September. But, in hindsight, a restyling (albeit not substantial) of the Green pass has also been promoted by other regulatory vehicles. An amendment to the decree Green pass bis approved in the Constitutional Affairs Committee in the Chamber, for example, has in fact provided that the green pass issued on the basis of a rapid or molecular antigen test with negative result is valid for forty-eight hours from the execution of the rapid antigen test and for 72 hours from ‘execution of the molecular test’.

In the first Green pass decree (already law) the validity of the certificate is extended to one year

Even the first Green pass decree, definitively converted by the Senate, provided for some changes for the green certificate: it extended its validity to one year (and no longer nine months). The measure provides that the new and old green certificates last 12 months instead of nine, not only those obtained through vaccination but also those in the pockets of the Covid patients who have made, as expected, a single dose of the vaccine. For now, the duration of the green pass remains six months for those recovered from Covid who have not immunized. Another important innovation that was introduced by this law is the possibility of obtaining the green pass not only through molecular swabs and nasopharyngeal antigenic tests, but also with salivary swabs (as for the other tests, the green pass in this case is valid for 48 hours). An important novelty because it gives an extra tool, especially useful for children.

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