Home » Hao Peng Meets with Key Domestic Entrepreneurs at Liaoning International Investment and Trade Fair

Hao Peng Meets with Key Domestic Entrepreneurs at Liaoning International Investment and Trade Fair

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Hao Peng Meets with Key Domestic Enterprises at Liaoning International Investment and Trade Fair

September 26, 2023
Source: Liaoning Daily

On September 24, Hao Peng, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and Director of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People’s Congress, met in Shenyang with guests from key domestic enterprises attending the 4th Liaoning International Investment and Trade Fair.

Welcoming all entrepreneurs on behalf of the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government, Hao Peng expressed his gratitude for their long-term concern and support for the revitalization and development of Liaoning. He highlighted that the Liaoning Fair is an important measure and practical action to implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s speech on promoting the comprehensive revitalization of Northeast China in the new era. It is also the largest open exchange event held in the first year of Liaoning’s three-year breakthrough in comprehensive revitalization. The aim is to build the Liaoning Fair into a high-end platform for jointly promoting new breakthroughs in revitalization and sharing new development opportunities.

Under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee, led by Comrade Xi Jinping, and the support from all sectors of society, including entrepreneurs, Liaoning’s economic growth has witnessed consolidation, improving overall recovery, and an ability to maintain the country’s “five major security.” The revitalization and development of Liaoning have shown good momentum, making it an attractive investment and business hotspot.

Hao Peng encouraged entrepreneur friends to actively participate in Liaoning’s three-year action plan for comprehensive revitalization, deepen exchanges and cooperation, and create a better future for Liaoning together. He requested their help in attracting businesses and talents to Liaoning and promoting the achievements of Liaoning’s revitalization and development to the outside world.

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Gu Jun, Deputy Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and General Manager of China National Nuclear Corporation, Wang Jianping, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of China Railway Construction Corporation, and Liu Honglin, Chairman of Jiangsu Sanmu Group, shared their perspectives at the meeting. They expressed confidence in Liaoning’s geographical location, solid industrial foundation, and rich human resources, believing it plays a crucial role in the Northeast Revitalization Strategy and has broad development prospects. Liaoning’s efforts in implementing the three-year action plan for comprehensive revitalization and new breakthroughs have been recognized by the enterprises, who expressed their commitment to increase investment and deepen cooperation.

Key domestic enterprises attending the Liaoning Fair, along with provincial and Shenyang city leaders Wang Jian, Jiang Youwei, and Lu Zhicheng, were present at the meeting.

Editor in charge: Zhang Jingyu

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