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Have you woken up at this point or are you still asleep?

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Have you woken up at this point or are you still asleep?

There are many stores of value. Each of them has different advantages and disadvantages and as always in life you get both if you choose one of the many options. But only a few stores of value can look back on such a long and above all as constant success story as the two precious metals gold and silver.

They have preserved prosperity for more than four millennia. Therefore, both are the store of value par excellence. If you want to store a higher value, choose gold and if you have smaller amounts to store or prefer smaller denominations, choose silver. Nothing has changed in this principle for centuries.

Especially in times of crisis, gold and silver were not only always in demand, they have also impressively demonstrated their strength time and time again in a wide variety of dangerous situations. This predestines them to be given preferential consideration by investors as asset protection, even in the current crisis.

There is currently no shortage of crises and dangers

A whole phalanx of crises and dangers are currently threatening people’s savings. Economically, a recession threatens, the high inflation simultaneously destroys the purchasing power of money and thus reduces the value of the savings made in the past. War is already raging in Ukraine and many other trouble spots remain unresolved.

The greatest danger, however, is currently posed by the high level of debt. They have gotten completely out of hand and in the last few years in particular politicians have been throwing around money that they don’t have but have just created out of thin air. The former head of the US Federal Reserve, Ben Bernanke, coined the term helicopter money.

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It means money from the printing press that is thrown indiscriminately over the population and is intended to stimulate consumption. In addition to consumption, however, currency depreciation is always stimulated when such “generous gifts” rain down on the population. It doesn’t matter whether they are called helicopter money, Corona emergency aid, a tank discount or a gas price brake.

But sooner or later there comes a point when the printing presses overheat and the system has finally and irrevocably gone haywire. Far-sighted investors, like the rest of the population, do not know when this point will finally be reached. However, they are preparing for this moment well in advance, for example by buying gold and silver before the crowd does, i.e. while prices are still low.

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