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He injured his back while canyoning in Trentino, Friuli, rescued by helicopter

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He injured his back while canyoning in Trentino, Friuli, rescued by helicopter

The injured is a 35-year-old resident of Pulfero

TRENTO. He was doing canyoning (a sporting activity that is practiced in the mountains and consists in the descent of the streams that flow in the rocky channels) in Trentino when, in making a jump of about ten meters, he violently slammed his back, making it necessary to transport him in helicopter to the Santa Chiara hospital in Trento.

The man, a 1987 Friulian living in Pulfero, was making a canyoning descent along the Rio Nero gorge in Val di Ledro with a group of friends when, in the final part of the gorge, in tackling a jump from a height of about 10 meters he injured his back by impacting with the water.

Immediate call to the single emergency number 112 by the group companion, who activated the rescuers around 10.40 on Monday 25 July. The central technician of the Alpine and Speleological Rescue, with the coordinator of the southern Trentino operational area, immediately requested the intervention of the operators of the stations of the Val di Ledro and Valle del Chiese, who arrived on site.

In the meantime, the helicopter also winched in the gorge, upstream of the injured person, four operators of the Gorge Technical Group, including a health worker. The man – conscious but in pain – was assisted and stabilized by the health worker of the Alpine Rescue, in coordination with the doctor of the operations center. Then, in the special stretcher for rescue in the gorge, it was transported along the canyon by rescuers, who had to equip two abseils, the first from about 20 meters and the second from 4. Once in a sufficiently open area, it was intervene the helicopter. The helicopter rescue technician was lowered with the winch and retrieved the stretcher with the injured person on board to transport him to the Santa Chiara hospital in Trento.

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