Home » He took his tenant out of the house in Bursa! Claimed that he could not get the rent for 5 months – Bursa News – Regional News

He took his tenant out of the house in Bursa! Claimed that he could not get the rent for 5 months – Bursa News – Regional News

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He took his tenant out of the house in Bursa!  Claimed that he could not get the rent for 5 months – Bursa News – Regional News

district of MudanyaAccording to the claim, the landlord wanted to make the rent of the house, which is 2 thousand liras for the couple Mehmet and Ayşe Ava, who are their tenants for 3 years, 5 thousand liras. The owner of the house, who allegedly took the keys of the house when he could not get it from the old couple who lived only on the disability pension, said, “I will send the things there when you find a house”. tenantIt was alleged that he prevented the bee from entering the house. The old couple searched for a house to rent for a while, but could not find a suitable house for them within the time given by the landlord. Allegedly, the couple Mehmet and Ayşe Ava, who passed by their house one day when they were looking for a rental house, were surprised when they saw that their belongings were thrown into the street by the landlord. The Ava couple, taking their grandchildren with them, started to live in the park by sleeping on their belongings that were thrown out on the street.

Stating that they did not know what to do with their grandchildren in their arms, Ayşe Ava said, “Our landlord wanted to increase the rent from 2 thousand liras to 5 thousand liras. I also said that I could not pay, I only lived on my disability pension. But she did not accept, she took the key from me. She said, “I will bring the things when you find a house.” But he threw all our belongings at the door. Our belongings became unusable. We saved what we could,” he said.

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The landlord has denied the allegations.

Owner Hakkı Biçer said, “When they first entered the house 3 years ago, they paid kira It was 500 lira. This year, we increased the rent to 750 liras. However, they made my house unusable. They didn’t pay rent for 5 months. The people of the neighborhood were also complaining many times about the couple Mehmet and Ayşe Ava. After this incident, I asked them to leave the house. I asked for the house keys. I let them take their stuff. Then they said, ‘We have bought our belongings, brother, if you want, throw the rest away’. I carried the belongings outside with the help of the neighbors and then handed them over to the municipal teams,” he said.

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