Home » Health Foundation warns about risks of prostate cancer

Health Foundation warns about risks of prostate cancer

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Health Foundation warns about risks of prostate cancer

Within the “Blue November” Campaign
The Tesãi Foundation warns about the risks of prostate cancer Prostate Cancer.

Dr. Marcos Villagra, physician
Urology specialist at the Hospital del
Area 2 of the Tesãi Foundation, explained
that the prostate is a part of the apparatus
male reproductive which is
formed by the penis, prostate and
The prostate is located just below
the bladder and in front of the rectum. Have the
Approximate size of a walnut
surrounds the urethra (the tube through
where urine is emptied from the bladder).
The function of the prostate is to produce
liquid that is part of semen.
As men age
prostate tends to increase in size.
This can cause the urethra to
narrow and decrease urine flow.
“Anyone can have breast cancer.”
prostate,’ Dr. Villagra remarked.

Some symptoms of prostate cancer
are: difficulty urinating, urine flow
weak or interrupted, frequent urination
mainly at night, difficulty
to empty the bladder completely, pain
or burning when urinating, blood in the urine or in
cum, persistent pain in the back,
the hips or pelvis, as well as
pain when ejaculating and loss of appetite,
said the prominent urologist Dr. Nery
Núñez, Foundation specialist

Risk factor’s
It is important to know that the
family history doubles the
risk of suffering from the disease,
especially when two or more
first degree direct relatives
(father or siblings) are affected by
a prostate cancer.
90% of cases are potentially
curable, but unfortunately
gender bias and misinformation
remain a cultural barrier for
early detection that allows
Save lifes.

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Periodic checks
In this sense, men are urged
to carry out controls and checks
routine doctors from the age of 45
old, overthrowing shame and
cultural walls for detection
early onset of the disease that follows
being one of the main causes of
death in men.
Among all types of cancer in
the man with the prostate is the most
common, affecting 1 in 7
men aged 45 to 50 years.
«From the age of 45 we
We recommend that men do
your checkups at least once in the
year, if there are antecedents
relatives and 50 years if there are no factors
hereditary,” said at another time the

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