Home » Hooded men killed a farmer in the rural area of ​​El Copey

Hooded men killed a farmer in the rural area of ​​El Copey

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Hooded men killed a farmer in the rural area of ​​El Copey

The farmer Temístocles Beltrán Beltrán56 years old, was killed with a firearm apparently by a hooded subject who entered his home located on a farm in the corregimiento of Caracolicito, jurisdiction of the municipality of El Copey, Cesar.

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Apparently the offender entered the back of the farm to commit the armed attack at approximately 9 pm on a holiday Monday.

Themistocles Beltrán sustained injuries to his head and to the wrist of his right hand, for which reason he died immediately on the property that is in the village of Puente Quemado of the corregimiento.

The inhabitants notified the town’s Police substation, but only until the early hours of the following day were they able to transfer the body to a Forensic Medicine office. The investigation was carried out by the members of the CTI of the Prosecutor’s Office.

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