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How are the prices of the family basket in Cali?

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How are the prices of the family basket in Cali?

The inspection, surveillance and control of prices by the Office of Consumer Protection in market centers and wholesale suppliers, market places, supermarkets, minimarkets, revuelterías and grocery granaries were elaborated.

From December 2022 to the first fortnight of April of this year, according to this management, a stability in the value of some products of the family basket was verified and the decrease of others.

It should be remembered that, through the Office of Consumer Protection of the Mayor’s Office of Cali, million-dollar sanctions will be imposed on suppliers and distributors who hoard or hide products.

“There is a decrease in vegetable products such as long onion and chonto tomato and a decrease mainly in the price of potatoes, which have dropped their price by more than 100% compared to March 2022,” said the Coordinator of the Office of Consumer Protection of the Ministry of Security and Justice, Manuel Tróchez.

“These are market dynamics that fluctuate according to the economy, according to the dollar, according to the price of fuel, but little by little we see this situation normalizing, there are no longer effects of the social outbreak, there are no longer effects of the closure of highways in southwestern Colombia, for which we have seen this normalization and this decrease in the price of these products that suffered an increase at the end of 2022 and at the beginning of 2023”, he added.

One of the reasons why prices can increase from the wholesale centers or in market places, is the hoarding of products; illegal phenomenon that the Consumer Protection Office permanently combats.

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Up to one hundred monthly legal minimum wages in force, which today corresponds to approximately $116,000. 000.oo, economic sanctions could go for people who are found to commit hoarding or hide products, with the aim of increasing their price to consumers.

The Consumer Protection Office is committed to ensuring and guaranteeing the rights of consumers.


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