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How did racism prevail in different eras?

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How did racism prevail in different eras?

History shows that in ancient times, tribes and communities separated themselves from others while living within geographical boundaries. Because of their language, habits and attitudes, they created a special culture.

The concept was to maintain the originality and purity of one’s caste and race and not be contaminated by intermingling with anyone else. This concept of racial superiority distinguished them from others. For example, the Roman historian Titus (died 120 AD) wrote about the Germanic tribes as racially pure and pure. Therefore, their attributes remain in them. This view of Titus was later adopted by German thinkers in modern times.

Astronomers have divided races based on color. There are yellow-skinned Chinese who recall the first royal family in their history. The Yangtze River is also called the Yellow River. Asian nations are highlighted in brown. Africans belong to black and Europeans are white forms. Which color race is superior and preferable to solve this problem? In the modern era, an attempt was made to solve such problems with the help of science. For example, the skulls of people of every race were analyzed. Culturally superior and inferior were determined by their size.

It was considered essential for the superiority of the race that it should be healthy and physically beautiful. Francis Galton, a scientist from England, proposed the theory of eugenics, which was the idea that human species should be bred like animals in order to produce better human species. On the other hand, under the same theory, the breeding of weak minded humans and inferior races should be discouraged so as to eradicate the evil traits from mankind.

An ancient example of this can be found historically in the Greek state of Sparta, where immediately after the birth of a child, it was presented to a council that decided whether the child was healthy or infirm. In case of weakness, he was thrown down from the mountain.

In India, the Hindu Arya caste system was to maintain the purity of the race. In which the Brahmin caste did not mix with other castes to maintain their superiority. In Germany, the Germans, for the sake of their inferiority, tried not to have any relations with Jews and gypsies, but to preserve the German race, they were massacred.

In the southern states of America, where whites and Africans lived, the white people enslaved the Africans and did not mix with them.

The world was divided on the basis of race. People of Pale and Mongolian origin were in China and Japan. Asia’s color was brown. Africa became racially black and Europe white.

The difference between race and nation remained. Ethnicity refers to people belonging to a single generation and inheriting a particular culture, while a nation is made up of several generations. So when the institution of the nation-state came into existence, it weakened the racial spirit, but even today in America, Anglo-Saxons consider themselves superior to other Europeans and claim that they have He made America civilized.

Globalization in the present era has also helped to undermine racial discrimination, because the scope of globalization is wide and it is in the interest of capitalism to bring every race and nation into its fold and make them consumers of its goods.

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In history, the white nations of Europe used their racial discrimination to conquer countries in Asia and Africa. After the progress of Europe in science, technology and other sciences, the idea arose that white nations are more civilized and civilized than other colored races and nations. Hence, being advanced militarily powerful and skilled in trade, the white nations established their colonies in Asia and Africa.

In this regard, European thinkers and intellectuals vigorously promoted the spirit of superiority of the white race. Whether it was the enlightened intellectuals of France or the historians and philosophers of England, they all supported the power and energy of the white race and supported European imperialism and considered it legitimate to rule over other nations.

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Germany used to consider the German race more superior than other European countries. They claimed that their Aryan ancestry compared to other European white races distinguished them from other European nations. In particular, this sense of racial superiority, which had been lingering in German society, emerged in its strongest form during the period of fascism, and with this sense, Hitler sought to conquer Eastern Europe and Russia.

Even in our society, tribes and communities do not establish relationships with other tribes and communities to maintain their ethnic distinction.

It is believed that due to interbreeding, their blood purity will be lost. Along with race, caste also exists in our society. A distinction is also made between white and black.

Apart from this, the Arab Turks and Afghans who have come to our society and India. They also use their ethnic unity for their political and social interests. Despite the social and economic development in the present age, ethnic prejudices still exist in our minds, although political and religious movements have taught the lesson of globalization, but in practice, individuals still have ethnic pride or inferiority complex.

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