Home » “I have fallen in love with each of its programs”: Family Supersubsidy on the work of Comfacauca – news

“I have fallen in love with each of its programs”: Family Supersubsidy on the work of Comfacauca – news

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“I have fallen in love with each of its programs”: Family Supersubsidy on the work of Comfacauca – news

All the pedagogical forms that are developed here must be extended throughout the national territory with the help of the Government: Pérez Casas.

For two days the Superintendent of the Family Allowance, Luis Guillermo Perez Casas, In the company of the administrative director of Comfacauca, Juan Cristóbal Velasco Cajiao, he visited the programs, activities and projects that this Fund develops in the department.

On the first day, the tour included the administrative and training headquarters of Puerto Tejada and Santander de Quilichao, in which he learned about the educational processes aimed at the communities of that area of ​​Cauca, focused on business and market requirements, given the development in this field.

Likewise, Pérez Casas visited the La Ceiba recreational center in Puerto Tejada and the “Mi Castillo de Colores” Peace Nest, where Comfacauca offers initial training to children under 5 years of age who live in vulnerable areas.

In Santander de Quilichao, he toured the ongoing construction of the large Caña Dulce recreational center, in which the Fund is investing more than $30,000 million.

On the way to Popayán, he visited the Nido Paz in Julumito, and then in the capital, the Rafael Maya library, where the support classroom for the deafblind and blind population is located. This first day on Friday, May 19, culminated with the central meeting of Fedecajas, with the presence of directors of the country’s Compensation Funds.

CAIF and Peace Baskets

On Saturday, May 20, early in the morning, the Superintendent of the Family Subsidy, Luis Guillermo Pérez Casas, toured the facilities and learned first-hand about the various programs and activities that are carried out with children at the Comprehensive Family Care Center. (CAIF), as well as the neighboring Guayacanes recreational center, where the peasant market “Canastas de Paz” was held.

The Superintendent of the Family Subsidy, Luis Guillermo Pérez Casas, and the Administrative Director of Comfacauca, Juan Cristóbal Velasco Cajiao, at the CAIF Comfacauca. In the background the Guayacanes recreation center.

In this place, the newspaper La Campana interviewed the superintendent to learn about the experience he has just had and his perception of the programs, activities and projects that Comfacauca develops in different fields, work that he highlighted and with which he said he felt in love.

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LC Superintendent, you visited in the north of Cauca the programs, activities and services that Comfacauca offers in that area of ​​the department, what perception did they leave you?

L.G.P.C. I already knew about the social work of Comfacauca, I gave it as a reference within the family subsidy system, but it is one thing to receive the news about what they do and another to see what they do on the ground. I have fallen in love with each of its programs, with its university, with its nests of peace, with all the effort and love that all the people who work in Comfacauca put into it, to meet the objectives of the system, which is to generate social welfare. , to generate inclusion, which is to generate joy, which is to generate peace, so I am very happy to be here confirming that this is an emblematic Savings Bank, that many of its programs, I hope, are replicated in other Savings Banks in the country.

LC The Nidos de Paz program has caught your attention…

L.G.P.C. Without a doubt, because it is working with vulnerable communities. One often finds that the Savings Banks say that they can only work with the children of the affiliates, here they are working with vulnerable communities, with children who have suffered from hunger, have suffered from the armed conflict, displacement, and here they are being generating opportunities for nutrition, but, above all, spiritual nutrition so that they grow as human beings who are respectful of life, nature, social love, peace, what they are doing is wonderful.

LC Would you invite other Savings Banks and institutions to replicate the Nidos de Paz program?

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L.G.P.C. I am going to invite the director of the ICBF to come to Popayán and learn about the Nidos de Paz program, because we have already proposed it, she already knows that it exists, but it is another thing to see it on the ground; the same with the Minister of Education, because All the pedagogical forms that are developed here must be extended throughout the national territory with the help of the Government.

LC How have you seen the job training program?

L.G.P.C. Excellent. This is what the country needs, it needs to train to generate employment opportunities, but with environmental awareness, with social awareness, with ethics, with transparency. Love for the country begins with love for the territory, with love for your own home, for your family, those are the values ​​that you teach here, which is why I am increasingly in love with this Fund.

The Superintendent tasted the coffee yogurt in the “Canastas de Paz” peasant market, produced by someone who used to plant coca in Cauca.

LC What feeling did the Deafblind program leave you…

L.G.P.C. Wonderful. I almost cried when I received that beautiful postcard that they gave me in the braille system, it impacted me a lot. This country has a huge debt with people with disabilities and there is a lot to be done in this field; This is a great example that all Savings Banks can commit to contributing to this purpose.

LC You toured the CAIF Popayán and then the “Canastas de Paz” peasant market, in this same place. What comment do you have about it?

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L.G.P.C. Everything is extremely interesting, as is the work with mothers and fathers, what they do in Complementary School Day, with schools other than those in Comfacauca. All this is part of a process, precisely, of joining efforts, adding wills and understanding that this is the way to contribute to transforming society, which is by generating opportunities and taking full advantage of all the spaces that the Compensation Funds have in the country. , and this is a sample that can be done very well.

LC After visiting the CAIF, observing the Guayacanes recreation center, in this area, where vulnerable families began to settle, what do you think of the development you have seen?

L.G.P.C. It seems formidable to me, because they are very decent homes that have been built with the Mi Casa Ya program of the national government with contributions from other sectors. This is an example, that in the midst of poverty and violence, dignity can be generated, like this Guayacanes recreational center, in this same historically depressed area that receives people violated by nature, by the internal armed conflict and who can find a space for recreation, joy, family and social integration. Also, grateful that they are developing the Peace Baskets here to generate more job opportunities and social inclusion.

Misak producers participated in the “Canastas de Paz” peasant market.

I have had a coffee yogurt, produced by someone who was previously involved in so-called illicit crops and now has the opportunity to offer other types of products.

I also highlight the successful combination of international cooperation, the contributions of Comfacauca and the community itself, which helps maintain CAIF gardens, which is part of the participatory exercises that allow society to grow in values.

More than an idea, I take with me an enormous feeling of gratitude and love for all the personnel that work in Comfacauca, which I believe is one of the best companies in Colombia, here they have survived and have grown in the midst of the worst scenarios of the armed conflict. and have managed to be respected by everyone. She is respected, precisely, for the type of social impact that she produces with her actions, so I leave very satisfied with this wonderful experience.

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