Home » Ignacio Valencia López, 1936 -2023 – news

Ignacio Valencia López, 1936 -2023 – news

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Ignacio Valencia López, 1936 -2023 – news

His hometown will pay him posthumous tribute.

On December 8, the Payanese lawyer and politician, Ignacio Valencia López, died in Bogotá, son of former conservative president Guillermo León Valencia Muñoz, of Susana López Navia, and father of Paloma, current senator of the Republic; by Cayetana and Pedro Agustín Valencia Laserna.

His mortal remains were veiled in Bogotá at the Gaviria funeral home and then transferred to his hometown, where they will remain in Jardines de Paz this Tuesday, December 12, from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm and on Wednesday the 13th from 8:00 to 10:00 am, from there they will leave for the church of San Francisco, where the funeral will be held.

This temple has great meaning for the Valencia López family, because the Holy Thursday procession departs from there, with the passage of the Puppy, an image that was sculpted in 1960 by the image maker Adencio Lamiel, in the basements of the Colombian Embassy in Spain. The head of that diplomatic mission, Guillermo León Valencia, commissioned it from the famous sculptor for the Holy Week processions of Popayán. From that step, his son, Ignacio Valencia, was trustee for many years, who inherited said trusteeship from his daughter Paloma.

Valencia López, was a judge of the Republic, a conservative leader for many years in Cauca, being first a representative to the Chamber for two periods and then a senator of the Republic, in another two periods. He also served as Colombia’s ambassador to Morocco.

He was married to Dorotea Laserna, daughter of Mario Laserna, founder of the University of Los Andes.

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La Campana expresses her heartfelt condolences to her children Paloma, Cayetana and Pedro Agustín, and extends to her grandchildren Joaquín, Macarena, Cayetana, Amapola and Almudena.

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