Home » Imagine, it’s Christmas and you’re looking at Earth from space

Imagine, it’s Christmas and you’re looking at Earth from space

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Imagine, it’s Christmas and you’re looking at Earth from space


It is no longer the case that Christmas is celebrated only at home. Many go on holidays beyond the limits of everyday life, even to exotic places. But that’s still nothing compared to what Frank Borman, Jim Lovell and William Anders experienced in December 1968. They were the first human space crew to cross the orbit of the moon. And on Christmas Day.

During their mission, they circled the moon a few times and sent a greeting to Earth on December 24. They quoted biblical passages about the creation of the world, with which they wanted to appeal to everyone. And Bill Anders managed to capture unique images of our blue planet. When recapitulating the trip, the cosmonauts stated that they were supposed to explore the Moon, but in fact they discovered the Earth.

Photo – NASA/William Anders, 1968


Christmas is a cultural patchwork of Christian tradition and the secularized modern world. Therefore, it is precisely in this space that reading a book that has just been published is suitable

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