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In-depth study and implementation of the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China to accelerate the construction of a new security pattern- Qiushi.com

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In-depth study and implementation of the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China to accelerate the construction of a new security pattern- Qiushi.com

In-depth study and implementation of the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China to accelerate the construction of a new security pattern

Chen Yixin

In the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping made a special chapter and strategic plan on “promoting the modernization of the national security system and capabilities, resolutely maintaining national security and social stability”, and clearly put forward the principle of “guaranteeing the new development pattern with a new security pattern”. The major requirements fully reflect the major strategic considerations of the Party Central Committee for coordinating development and security, coordinating the construction of a new development pattern and a new security pattern, and achieving a dynamic balance between high-quality development and high-level security. We must combine the study and implementation of the theme education of Xi Jinping’s socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics in the new era that is being carried out by the whole party, in-depth study and implementation of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important exposition on national security work and the party’s 20 important decisions and arrangements, and closely focus on “what to build What kind of new security pattern, how to build a new security pattern” is a major topic in the new era, deepen theoretical research, promote practical innovation, accelerate the construction of a new security pattern to ensure a new development pattern, and ensure Chinese-style modernization with high-level security.

  1. Comprehensively grasp the significance of building a new security pattern

To build a new security pattern, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core, from the strategic height of adhering to and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics, assesses the situation and answers how to solve the common security problems faced by major countries in the development process of the new era and at the same time. The special security issues faced at the critical stage of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and the major strategic deployments made have great political, theoretical, practical, and world significance.

  Building a new security pattern demonstrates the great political significance of adhering to the party’s absolute leadership over national security work and following the path of national security with Chinese characteristics.General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that the leadership of the Communist Party of China is the most essential feature of socialism with Chinese characteristics, the greatest advantage of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics, and the foundation and lifeline of the party and the country. In the new era and new journey, to build a new security pattern, we must always adhere to the party’s absolute leadership over national security work, adhere to the centralized and unified leadership of the Party Central Committee over national security work, and give full play to the party’s overall situation and coordination in the practice of national security with Chinese characteristics The leadership core role of the Party Central Committee will ensure that the party’s leadership and my country’s socialist system will not be shaken, and that the road to national security with Chinese characteristics will become wider and wider.

  The construction of a new security pattern demonstrates the great theoretical significance of implementing the overall national security concept and constantly opening up a new realm of Marxist national security theory.General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that we must unswervingly implement the overall national security concept, improve the national security system, enhance the ability to maintain national security, improve the level of public security governance, and improve the social governance system. This is the meaning of the question of building a new security pattern, which inherently implies that we must adhere to the purpose of people’s security, take political security as the foundation, take economic security as the foundation, take military, technological, cultural and social security as the guarantee, and promote international security as the basis. Coordinating external security and internal security, homeland security and national security, traditional security and non-traditional security, self-security and common security, coordinating the maintenance and shaping of national security, consolidating the grassroots foundation of national security and social stability, and improving the mechanism for participating in global security governance, Build a higher level of safe China. The construction of a new security pattern has further expanded and sublimated the regular understanding of national security work in the new era, and further enriched and developed the Marxist national security theory.

The picture shows the theme poster of the “4.15” National Security Education Day for All in 2023.Photo courtesy of the Ministry of National Security

  Building a new security pattern demonstrates the great practical significance of advancing Chinese-style modernization and realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China drew up a grand blueprint for comprehensively building a socialist modern country and promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese-style modernization. At present, my country’s development is standing at a new historical starting point. The external environment and security pattern have undergone major changes. Various predictable and unpredictable risks and challenges, difficulties and obstacles, and even stormy waves have put forward higher requirements for national security work. Only by accelerating the construction of a new security pattern and firmly holding the bottom line of safe development can we build development on a safer and more reliable basis; we can ensure development with security, promote security with development, and realize a new security pattern and new development. Only by mutual promotion and mutual advancement can we ensure that the great rejuvenation process of the Chinese nation will not be delayed or even interrupted, and that the Chinese-style modernization will go far and steadily.

  Building a new security pattern demonstrates the great global significance of insisting on promoting common international security and building a community with a shared future for mankind.In today’s world, the linkage, transnationality, and diversity of security issues are more prominent. my country’s national security is inseparable from the overall pattern of international security. We must not only do a good job in our own national security work, but also promote international security. To build a new security pattern, we must start from the basic principles of Marxist national security theory such as “security is indivisible” and a security community, abandon old concepts such as “a strong country must seek hegemony”, zero-sum games, absolute security, alliances and confrontations, and promote the construction of human security. community of destiny. The construction of a new security pattern has pointed out the direction of coping with global challenges and moving towards a brighter prospect, marking a new progress in human national security governance, and providing important references for those countries that hope to maintain social security and stability while maintaining their own independence.

  2. Comprehensively grasp the powerful advantages of building a new security pattern

Building a new security pattern is the main task of national security work at present and in the future. The Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core attaches unprecedented importance and support to national security work, and the favorable conditions for building a new security pattern are also unprecedented. We must bravely shoulder the heavy responsibility of the times and better maintain our strategic focus and initiative.

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  The most fundamental political advantage is a strong leadership core.As the core of the Party Central Committee and the core of the entire Party, General Secretary Xi Jinping is at the helm and leads the way, providing a fundamental guarantee for building a new security pattern. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, in the face of risks and challenges that are rare in the world and rare in history, General Secretary Xi Jinping has held the banner and oriented himself in the changing situation with the majestic spirit and fearless revolutionary spirit of a Marxist statesman, thinker, and strategist. In the big test of the war, the command is determined, and the tide is turned in the turbulent waves, which fundamentally ensures that the realization of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation has entered an irreversible historical process. Practice has fully proved that the “two establishments” are the greatest certainty, the greatest confidence, and the greatest guarantee to overcome all difficulties and obstacles and deal with all uncertainties. On the new journey, with the core of the party, the leaders of the people, and the commander-in-chief of the army who have passed the test of history, practice, and struggle, we will have the backbone to overcome various risks and challenges, and build a new security pattern. Opportunity, take the initiative.

  The most distinctive theoretical advantage is the party’s innovative theoretical guidance.Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at its core has adhered to and developed socialism with Chinese characteristics from a strategic height in the new era, combined Marxist national security theory with contemporary Chinese security practices, and China’s excellent traditional strategic culture, and creatively proposed It clarifies the overall national security concept and provides a fundamental basis for building a new security pattern. The overall national security concept adheres to the Marxist position, viewpoint and method, uses overall strategic thinking and a broad world perspective to grasp national security, and lists security as an important content that the people need for a better life, focusing on development and security, independence and opening up, maintaining stability and rights, and order He made a series of creative elucidations on major propositions such as peace and vitality, which provided fundamental guidance for us to understand and grasp national security from a political and overall perspective, and demonstrated powerful truths in a series of major struggles to prevent risks, ensure security, and maintain stability in the new era Strength, unique ideological charm, and great practical power.

  The most powerful development advantage is a solid strength foundation.Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, we have made major achievements in economic development, social stability, comprehensive poverty alleviation, and the fight against the epidemic, laying a solid foundation for building a new security pattern. We have created a miracle of economic development and promoted the economy on the road to high-quality development. The proportion of the total economic output in the world has increased from 11.4% in 2012 to more than 18% in 2021; we have created a miracle of social stability and accelerated the construction of a higher level of peace. China, our country has become one of the safest countries in the world; it has created a miracle of comprehensive poverty alleviation, historically solved the problem of absolute poverty, and built a well-off society in an all-round way; A major and decisive victory in prevention and control. To build a new security structure, we have an unprecedentedly solid foundation of strength, and we are more confident and powerful than ever before.

The picture shows that on September 30, 2022, the traditional Chinese version of the “Overall National Security Concept Study Outline” was highlighted in a bookstore in Hong Kong. China News Agency reporter Li Zhihua/photo

  The most important institutional advantage is to walk out of the road of national security with Chinese characteristics.Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, we have successfully created a national security path with Chinese characteristics. The national security leadership system, legal system, strategic system, and policy system have been continuously improved, providing a strong institutional guarantee for the construction of a new security pattern. The path of national security with Chinese characteristics, adhere to the absolute leadership of the party, improve the centralized, unified, efficient and authoritative national security work leadership system, realize the unity of people’s security, political security, and national interests; persist in safeguarding national sovereignty and territorial integrity, and safeguard frontiers and frontiers , Stable and orderly surrounding areas; Adhere to safe development, promote high-quality development and high-level security dynamic balance; Adhere to overall warfare, coordinate traditional security and non-traditional security; Adhere to the path of peaceful development, and promote the coordination of self-security and common security. The road to national security with Chinese characteristics fully demonstrates the system code and winning code of “governance of national security with Chinese characteristics”, which has won advantages and established a winning momentum for building a new security pattern and responding to major risks and challenges.

  3. Comprehensively grasp the connotation and characteristics of building a new security pattern

Building a new security pattern is a long-term strategic plan of the Party Central Committee focusing on the great cause of rejuvenating the country, and it is a practice of national security governance that is related to the overall situation, with distinctive characteristics.

  Emphasize that national security is the foundation of national rejuvenation.The 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China pointed out that “national security is an important cornerstone of stability and stability”; the Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee pointed out that “safety is the premise of development, and development is the guarantee of safety” from the perspective of economic and social development; For the first time, the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China gave a brand-new positioning of “national security is the foundation of national rejuvenation, and social stability is the prerequisite for national prosperity” from the overall strategic height of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, reflecting the deepening of the party’s understanding of the regularity of national security work , revealing the strategic position and important role of building a new security pattern in the overall work of the Party Central Committee.

  Centralized, unified, efficient and authoritative national security leadership system.To build a new security pattern, the Party’s leadership must be run through the entire process of all aspects of national security work. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Party Central Committee has strengthened the centralized and unified leadership of national security work, established the Central National Security Committee, and improved an efficient and authoritative national security leadership system. Since its establishment, the Central National Security Commission has adhered to the overall leadership of the party, solved many difficult problems that had been wanted for a long time but had not been resolved, and accomplished many major tasks that were wanted to be done but were not done in the past. The work of national security has been comprehensively strengthened and firmly grasped An overall initiative to maintain national security.

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  A big security concept that coordinates security in all fields.At present, the national security situation is undergoing unprecedented profound changes, and the importance of non-traditional security has become increasingly prominent. The impact of the global pandemic of the new crown virus has sounded the alarm for us. The new security pattern emphasizes both traditional security and non-traditional security, comprehensively understands and grasps the rich connotation and extension of my country’s national security, the broad space-time domain, and complex internal and external factors, and takes all risks that may affect national security into perspective.

  The national security goals and tasks of the new era and new journey.The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China put forward the main goals and tasks for the next five years, emphasizing that “national security will be more consolidated”, and proposed to “comprehensively strengthen the national security system and capabilities” by 2035, specifying the goal of building a new security pattern . General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech at the opening ceremony of the seminar on studying and implementing the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China deeply explained a series of major theoretical and practical issues of Chinese-style modernization, and once again emphasized the need to coordinate development and security and implement the overall national security concept , improve the national security system, enhance the ability to maintain national security, and resolutely safeguard the security of state power, system, ideology and key areas. Promoting the modernization of the national security system and capabilities and accelerating the establishment of a new security pattern have become important components of the Chinese-style modernization to comprehensively promote the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

  Overall planning, scientific dialectical system thinking.To build a new security pattern, it is emphasized that we must grasp the laws based on the major changes in the international order, make overall plans based on the major premise of preventing risks, and plan based on the background of my country’s important strategic opportunities for development. It also attaches importance to national security, both traditional security and non-traditional security, both development and security issues, both its own security and common security. Contains forward-looking thinking, overall planning, and a systematic thinking method that promotes national security work as a whole.

  A flexible and aggressive strategy.Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has repeatedly emphasized to the whole party and the people of the country to carry forward the spirit of struggle and enhance the ability to fight. In the report of the Nineteenth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the “Great Struggle” was placed first among the “Four Greats”; in the report of the Twentieth National Congress of the Communist Party of China, “be sure to dare to fight and be good at fighting” as the “three musts” One leads the whole chapter. It emphasizes advancing with the times and innovating the art of struggle, combining daring to fight with being good at fighting, strengthening prevention and responding to extremes at the same time, embodying the strategy and method of building a new security pattern.

  The style of a big country building a community with a shared future for mankind.Build a new security pattern, emphasizing the importance of keeping the world in mind, safeguarding national sovereignty, security, and development interests with the core interests of the country as the bottom line, leading the reform of the global governance system with the concept of fairness and justice, developing ourselves by maintaining world peace, and maintaining world peace through our own development , resolutely oppose all forms of hegemonism and power politics, resolutely oppose any practice of sacrificing the security of other countries in exchange for its own absolute security, and promote the construction of a community of shared future for mankind. This fully embodies China’s responsibility as a major country in the new era and opens up a new realm of national security governance.

  4. Comprehensively grasp the practical requirements for building a new security pattern

Building a new security pattern is the top-level design and general management plan of national security work in the new era, and it is also a system integration of effective innovative practices. It is necessary to properly handle the relationship between top-level design and practical exploration, systematically plan in terms of “strategic layout, main attack direction, and innovative measures”, actively explore in the coordination and command of “party committee overall planning, main line construction, and platform main battle”, and in “tasks” Leading, demand-driven, and strong support” to speed up the construction of professional pillars, and strive to take a solid step in building a new security pattern. In practice, we must focus on grasping the following basic requirements.

  Advance the whole system.The current international situation is complex and severe, international struggles are becoming increasingly fierce, and system confrontation has become a prominent feature of the game between major powers. To build a new security pattern, it is urgent to strengthen the construction of the national security system. We must adhere to the centralized and unified leadership of the Party Central Committee on national security work, improve an efficient and authoritative national security leadership system, improve the national security legal system, strategic system, policy system, risk monitoring and early warning system, and national emergency management system, and build a global linkage, three-dimensional and efficient We will improve the coordination and command system for major struggle directions, build a professional pillar force that meets the needs of the struggle, and effectively transform the advantages of the system into actual combat effectiveness.

  Planning across the board.With the profound changes in the international and domestic environment, the field of national security continues to expand. To build a new security pattern, it is necessary to coordinate the promotion of security in all fields. It is necessary to broaden the field of vision and cover the whole area, focus on strengthening security in the fields of politics, economy, land, society, network, and finance, strengthen the basic supporting role of military, technological, and cultural security, promote food, ecological, resource, and nuclear security, and effectively protect the security of overseas interests , to maintain the security of new fields such as space, deep sea, polar regions, biology, and artificial intelligence, and to bring into sight various behaviors that endanger national security, so as to achieve overall security governance and joint consolidation in all fields.

  All-round layout.my country’s national security issues involve all aspects at home and abroad, and national interests are widely distributed. To build a new security pattern, we must take into account both domestic and international situations. Internally, based on the maintenance of political security, we will severely crack down on the infiltration, sabotage, subversion, and separatist activities of hostile forces, effectively prevent and resolve major risks, and ensure political security, social stability, and people’s peace. Externally, prevent and counter the extreme external containment and suppression of China, strengthen overseas security capacity building, implement global development initiatives, global security initiatives, and global civilization initiatives, promote the common values ​​​​of all mankind, and promote the building of a community of shared future for mankind.

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  Use all means.Under the new situation, we face a wide range of risk points, and the reverse flow effect, confluence effect, superposition effect, linkage effect, amplification effect and induction effect of various risks are more prominent. To build a new security pattern, we must comprehensively use all means including politics, economy, culture, diplomacy, justice, education, and science and technology to effectively prevent and resolve major risks. Pay more attention to synergies and efficiency, rule of law thinking, technological empowerment, and grassroots foundations, so as to realize the transformation of work from “response after the event and passive response” to “pre-warning and active shaping” and firmly grasp the initiative of national security work. .

The picture shows that on the morning of April 3, 2023, Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province held the 2023 National Security Education Day for All at the Dragon Boat Sports Center and the launching ceremony of the National Security Publicity and Education Month of “Welcoming the Asian Games and Safeguarding Safety”.Photo courtesy of the Ministry of National Security

  Mobilization of the whole society.National security is all for the people and everything depends on the people. To build a new security pattern, we must mobilize the whole of society to fight a people’s war to safeguard national security. Strengthen the national security awareness and quality of the whole people, and establish a strong national security people’s defense line. Under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee, it is necessary to bring together the powerful joint forces of the party, government, military, civilians, and all fronts at all levels to promote the effective coordination of various departments, localities, and elements, and realize the integration of strategic layouts, strategic resources, and strategic strengths in various fields of national security. It will more effectively safeguard national sovereignty, security, and development interests.

  V. Comprehensively grasp the important guarantees for building a new security pattern

Building a new security pattern is a systematic project and a process of dynamic development and improvement. It is necessary to give full play to the political and institutional advantages of the socialist system with Chinese characteristics, focus on strengthening fundamental and strategic support, and build the “four beams and eight pillars” to ensure the new security pattern.

  Strengthen political guarantees and guard the lifeline.Upholding the Party’s absolute leadership over national security work is the fundamental guarantee for maintaining national security and social stability. To grasp the political direction, earnestly study and understand Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, deeply understand the decisive significance of the “two establishments”, strengthen the “four consciousnesses”, strengthen the “four self-confidence”, and do to “Two Maintenance”. It is necessary to give full play to political advantages, continue to improve the centralized and unified leadership of the Party Central Committee, and mobilize the active role of party organizations at all levels in maintaining national security. It is necessary to gather political power, give full play to the vanguard and exemplary role of party members and leading cadres, mobilize the whole party and the whole society to work together, and gather a powerful joint force to build a new security pattern.

  Strengthen the protection of the rule of law and weave a dense protective net.Build a national security and rule of law layout in which legislation, law enforcement, and judicial popularization go hand in hand, and better play the role of the rule of law in safeguarding the foundation, stabilizing expectations, and benefiting the long-term. It is necessary to make scientific legislation, coordinate the promotion of domestic and foreign-related rule of law, strengthen legislation in key areas, emerging areas, and foreign-related areas, and constantly enrich the legal “toolbox.” It is necessary to strictly enforce the law, prevent and stop criminal activities that endanger national security in accordance with the law, and strictly regulate, impartial and civilized law enforcement. The administration of justice must ensure that every case can stand the test of history and law. It is necessary to strengthen the popularization of the law, extensively carry out publicity on the rule of law for national security, enhance the concept of the rule of law of the whole people, and promote the construction of a new security pattern on the track of the rule of law.

  Strengthen scientific and technological support and create enablers.At present, the development of science and technology has brought unprecedented subversive features to the struggle in the field of national security. Big data and artificial intelligence are reshaping the new form of struggle. To follow the trend of the times, plan the “optimal blueprint” of technological empowerment with strategic thinking, build the “strongest brain” of technological empowerment with systematic thinking, exert the “maximum efficiency” of technological empowerment with service thinking, and build with bottom-line thinking The “strongest barrier” of technological empowerment. Aim at major engineering and technological issues related to national security, accelerate the transformation and application of independent innovation results, focus on creating more advanced means of attack and defense, and focus on improving the ability to use science and technology to maintain national security.

  Strengthen team support and build a strong main force.The national security cadre team is an important force for safeguarding national sovereignty, security, and development interests, and for building and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics. It is necessary to strengthen the party building of the national security system, and always resolutely safeguard the core position of General Secretary Xi Jinping as the core of the Party Central Committee and the entire party, and resolutely safeguard the authority and centralized and unified leadership of the Party Central Committee. Strengthen capacity building, strengthen the development of cadres’ fighting spirit and fighting skills, and comprehensively improve the ability to apply laws and policies, prevent and control risks, work with the masses, apply technology, and guide public opinion. Strengthen comprehensive and strict control of the party and the police, strengthen supervision, discipline and accountability, and forge an absolutely loyal, absolutely pure, and absolutely reliable National Security Iron Army.

Author: Secretary of the Party Committee and Minister of the Ministry of State Security

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