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In less than three hours there were two mishaps of magnitude

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In less than three hours there were two mishaps of magnitude


Once again, the streets of Riobamba are the scene of car accidents that leave people injured, material damage and scare pedestrians. One of the last accidents was the one that occurred inside the Riobamba Wholesale Market, where a crash left minimal damage to one of the cars, but the scare of passers-by was evident.

One of the mishaps that did not leave people injured was the one that occurred inside the Riobamba Wholesale Market.

So far this week, only in the capital of the province of Chimborazo, at least 10 road mishaps have been recorded that left injuries, one death, and extensive material damage, both to public and private property. Each of these road events are still being investigated by the gendarmes and Civil Traffic Agents of Riobamba.

For three hours, that is, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. yesterday, at least two serious car accidents were reported in the capital of Chimboracenses. Which left people injured, and property damage. For example, one of the last was the one that occurred at the intersection of Boyacá and García Moreno streets, where two private cars, one of them a truck, collided, thus leaving damages, since the truck involved got on to the sidewalk and caused some damage to the facade of a house in the area known as Las Carmelitas.

Instead, inside the Riobamba Wholesale Market, two private vehicles collided. Fortunately, in that incident, there were no significant effects and those involved discussed to reach an agreement for material damage.

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“Here, road safety must be improved or there must be some control by traffic agents, because every day, mainly on weekends, there is a very intense vehicular and pedestrian influx,” said Óscar Tixilema, the site’s merchant. (25)

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