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In the Unit they are in the dark

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In the Unit they are in the dark

The repair of luminaires after each December that the contract with the Pereira mayor’s office ends, becomes a via crucis for the community, because although temporary measures are taken from the Infrastructure Secretariat, such as a crew that is in charge of going to attend to the reports that the inhabitants of various sectors of the city make to a line that they are in charge of promoting, the solutions are not so effective.

This is the case of the La Unidad neighborhood in the Bostón commune, there it has not been possible for them to repair eight luminaires that are defective, five of them located at the entrance of the neighborhood since January and two more for less time but that also affect to the residents of block G, which is located in front of the river.

The neighborhood has two entrances, one for vehicles and public transport and the other some stairs that end in the aforementioned block, there is the other lamp that was out of service. The last bus leaves at 8:00 pm, which means that walking is the only option if there is no money for a taxi.

insecurity just insecurity

The neighbors are very concerned and it is not for less, because the robberies have increased remarkably and there was even the case of a young woman who was almost sexually assaulted, if it was not because other pedestrians were passing in the middle of the dark when they heard her shout.

It must be remembered that block G is in front of the Consota River, where the suspension bridges over the Consota River are located, which overlook the invasion of the Buenos Aires and Rocío estate in the lower part.

The problem is exacerbated because the grass, both next to the platform and on the sides of the stairs, is very high and is conducive to criminals hiding and waiting for the moment when the unwary pass by after 6:30 a.m. everything is now totally dark. Secretary Milton Hurtado was consulted to find out if the public lighting contract is close to coming out, but he did not offer any type of response.

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How do you see this situation?

Sandra Alzate – president of JAC

“On several occasions we have called and gone to Infrastructure to request that they fix them and until now it has been impossible, although they take data and everything, because they never answered the phone again.”

Lina Marcela Pulgarín – inhabitant of the sector

“I live in block G and a lot of people pass by, the truth is I wouldn’t walk downstairs. The police come here for the last one, as they are afraid it will be ”.

Henry Antonio Giraldo – inhabitant of the sector

“I am from the first block from above and that is where the darkness reaches. During the day it is controllable and we have maintained the grass ourselves, but now it is very high”.

Javier Cano – inhabitant of the sector

“40 years here and it’s the same problem, when the cable isn’t stolen it’s something else. What worries one is the women who are most defenseless”.

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