Home » Inter-institutional campaign to fight dengue begins in Ciudad del Este

Inter-institutional campaign to fight dengue begins in Ciudad del Este

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Inter-institutional campaign to fight dengue begins in Ciudad del Este

Launch of the campaign to combat the transmitting mosquito, due to high larval infestation in the municipality.

The Esteña commune officially launched the “I protect CDE 2023” campaign, which will be carried out jointly with several public institutions, in order to avoid a new dengue epidemic. It should be noted that the departmental capital is registering a high rate of larval infestation.

Mayor Miguel Prieto, during the launch event recorded in the Fátima neighborhood, considered that it is crucial to act in time and focus on prevention to avoid an epidemic of dengue and chikungunya. “Those who have experienced these diseases know how serious and deadly they can be,” commented the communal chief.

“I sincerely thank the living forces, the Armed Forces, the colleagues of the Municipality of Ciudad del Este, the Tenth Health Region, the Government, JCI and Senepa for their collaboration in this cause,” he expressed.

He also said that Senepa is often blamed during a mosquito epidemic, but that it is important that people become aware that everyone must clean their yards and eliminate breeding sites. “Unfortunately, not everyone has that awareness and culture. The biggest challenge will be to make neighbors understand the importance of keeping their yards clean and eliminating breeding sites to reduce the chances of contracting these diseases during the summer,” he remarked.

“It is essential to remind people that it is their responsibility to clean their yards and assume that obligation when mosquito-borne diseases occur,” he added.

Critical neighborhoods

The campaign symbolizes a communal effort together with several public entities to counterattack the imminence of an epidemic, by eliminating breeding sites for mosquitoes that transmit various diseases. “We would already be in a better stage as a city, but once again we find several neighborhoods with a maximum larval infestation, already with a high percentage, and we are only in the month of October,” highlighted the director of Environmental Management of the Municipality. , Karen González.

He mentioned that they are working together with the Tenth Health Region, Senepa, the Government, the Third Infantry Division, the Navy, JCI, the Diocese of Ciudad del Este, Volunteer Firefighters and the National Police. “We are working together, because each one does their bit,” he said. On the part of the Municipality, the departments of Environmental Management, Health, Education and Culture, Municipal Services and Development are involved.

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The director indicated that the Municipality is working closely with Senepa because it has the responsibility of delimiting the most affected or critical areas, which are included in the priority of the work agenda that includes, among other tasks, environmental mingas.

According to the larval infestation data, the Municipality carries out a prior verification to foresee the number of teams of officials and the forms of intervention and distribution of activities with the other institutions.

The launch of the campaign followed by environmental minga was carried out in the Fátima neighborhood, where the highest rate of larval infestation is currently recorded. In second place, there is the Obrero neighborhood, then Area 8, as the most critical places. The campaign will cover as much of the city as possible, urging all citizens to join the effort to clear their home and community environment of breeding sites, appropriating the challenge as everyone’s fight.

The campaign launch event served to form the teams with the representatives of the participating institutions, such as the teams that will carry out the task house to house, delivering garbage bags and educational materials. Points will be established where residents can deposit bags of garbage collected from the hatcheries so that the Horizonte company can collect them.

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