Home » Is the age of buying a house not a problem? Expert: “This point” should be considered more when eliminating “three types of housing”

Is the age of buying a house not a problem? Expert: “This point” should be considered more when eliminating “three types of housing”

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Is the age of buying a house not a problem? Expert: “This point” should be considered more when eliminating “three types of housing”

High housing prices not only reduce the purchasing power of the people, but are even clearly reflected in the age of the houses. According to the latest statistics from the real estate information platform of the Ministry of the Interior, the average age of houses in Taiwan in the first quarter of this year has reached 32 years. , accounting for 51%, and what is even more outrageous is that there are 1.01 million households in Taiwan that are over 50 years old!

The average age of a house has reached a new high! High housing prices put pressure on the public to buy a house, so the only way to buy a house is to get older. According to statistics from real estate platforms, one out of every two houses in Taiwan is over 30 years old. It is obvious that it is quite common for Chinese people to live in old houses; the data revealed In the first quarter of this year, the average age of residences in Taiwan was 32 years, with a total of 9.1 million tax-registered residences. The average age of residences in major metropolitan areas is 36.87 years in Taipei City, and only Taichung City and Taoyuan City have housing ages in six cities. The average is less than 30 years.

It is worth mentioning that 72% of the residential buildings in Beishi are over 30 years old, and the youngest is Taoyuan City, where only about 35% of the houses are over 30 years old; The highest proportion is 17.7% in Taoyuan City, 15.2% in Taichung City, and only 6% in Taipei City.

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Chen Bingchen, director of the Global Real Estate Intelligence Office, pointed out that for the tragic situation of the explosion of old houses in Taiwan, taking the oldest city of Taipei as an example, it is an indisputable fact that most of the old houses are long-term. Although the land value is high, there are many job opportunities, and the land is small Due to multiple factors such as heavy investment, booming investment, and imbalance between supply and demand of houses, egg yolk blocks will not be able to shake housing prices due to old houses. The housing market in declining areas, such as around Xinbeitou Station, Shezi in Shilin District, Wenshan District, Longshan Temple in Wanhua District, Datong District, etc., has many blocks with too many old houses, and the housing prices in the area have been falling for a long time. It is not necessarily popular because of the number plate in Taipei.

Zhang Xinmin, director of the Consumer Foundation and member of the Housing Authority, analyzed that people who buy old houses should consider the condition of the house the most. If the house is in good condition and there are no sea sand houses, radiant houses or water leakage problems, the age of the house is second, but the loan The percentage will be relatively low, which requires special attention.

Hu Weiliang, a real estate expert, also said that when buying an old apartment, you must measure its future value, and many factors such as location, layout, and safety are indispensable. He said that some people think that the middle-aged apartment is more complete in all aspects and is convenient to live in. . In fact, there is no absolute advantage or disadvantage between the two, it just depends on whether it is suitable for the residents, suitable is good; moreover, Hu Weiliang reminded that attention should be paid to the structural safety of old houses, due to the problem of service life, generally such The value of the house is limited. If it can be rebuilt or replaced in the future, the structural safety and living comfort will also be greatly increased.

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Text/authorized from Haofang.com

further reading

Can’t hide the “1 feature” of old Taipei houses?Only when I moved in did I find out that the neighbors complained wildly. Net said: It’s normal

No matter how old the house is, someone will buy it? He revealed that the “amazing deal” is in great contrast to “this area”!

50-year-old houses exceed one million households!The average age of houses in Taiwan is as high as 32 years

The old apartment is better than expected?After being slapped in the face by the Internet, I ignored the “2 casualties” and said goodbye sooner or later

For more real estate information, please see the new project “New Living Era”

The post Is age a problem when buying a house? Expert: “This point” should be considered more when eliminating “three types of housing” appeared first on Business Times.

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