Home » ISSS invests $5.5 million in the La Ceiba Comprehensive Specialized Ambulatory Care Center

ISSS invests $5.5 million in the La Ceiba Comprehensive Specialized Ambulatory Care Center

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ISSS invests $5.5 million in the La Ceiba Comprehensive Specialized Ambulatory Care Center

The general director of the Salvadoran Social Security Institute (ISSS), Mónica Ayala, affirmed, this Wednesday, that next Friday, March 24, they will inaugurate the La Ceiba Comprehensive Specialized Ambulatory Care Center, in Antiguo Cuscatlán, La Libertad, which will begin operations on next Monday March 27th.

«It will be a different center, with zero paper, fully automated; we will have from the early detection clinic for cancer, our headquarters for palliative care and areas of orthopedics, dermatology, geriatrics and pediatrics.

We have used $5.5 in the adaptation, the construction of the three operating rooms, in the real estate and new equipment, “said Ayala.

Likewise, the ophthalmology area will work in said center, both the operating rooms and the consultation, which will eliminate transfer times, since the institution currently has these services in different buildings; It is expected to perform around 600 ophthalmological surgeries in the month.

This humanized center will be a specialized office that will be open from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm, Monday through Friday.

Before this center, doctors had to travel, for example, from the ophthalmology clinic at the Santa Tecla Medical Unit to the Zacamil Polyclinic Hospital to perform surgeries.

73 ophthalmological equipment will be transferred and another 10 that will be used in the operating rooms; the ophthalmology area will begin to operate on April 12 after Easter.

This is part of the transformation of the institution, which seeks to modernize hand in hand with technology through the automation of consultations, with appointment confirmation kiosks; already installed in the Specialties Office, the Zacamil Polyclinic Hospital and the Oncology Hospital.

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