Home » Isu Scholae being examined by the Chamber: almost 1 million under 18 now hope for Italian citizenship

Isu Scholae being examined by the Chamber: almost 1 million under 18 now hope for Italian citizenship

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Isu Scholae being examined by the Chamber: almost 1 million under 18 now hope for Italian citizenship

The examination of the law on citizenship, which introduces the ius scholae, arrives in the Chamber today. The path was not easy because yesterday, in the vote of the Constitutional Affairs Commission which approved the mandate to the rapporteur, the majority split and the League voted against, together with the Brothers of Italy. The vote of Annagrazia Calabria, of Forza Italia, was also contrary (while it is not clear whether the other representative of Berlusconi’s party in the commission, Renata Polverini, voted in favor or abstained). A law, however, strongly supported by the Democratic Party and other majority parties and that the secretary Enrico Letta, in an interview with La Stampa, defines “a great goal finally within reach and for me the priority is that it be approved”.
The text under examination from today aims to recognize the role of the school by allowing almost one million under 18 (born in Italy or arrived within 12 years) the opportunity to apply for Italian citizenship after having attended “at least 5 years of school” . Giving young people citizenship even before the age of majority makes the whole center-left agree (in favor of M5s and Pd, Leu and Italia Viva) but it could divide the center-right. If Forza Italia has a more dialoguing position, Lega and Fratelli d’Italia make a wall: citizenship “is not a prize ticket” and “it is decided at the age of 18”, said Matteo Salvini while for Fdi it is “one ius alone masked ».

Ius scholae, the Veronese councilor Atitsogbe: “A law for the second generations forgotten by politics”

“In the Pd-M5s consolidated text, the manifestation of will is of foreign parents and not of children, the minor is not even listened to or considered but becomes a tool for an easy pass to citizenship. It is an Ius soli that is not too disguised and the ideological initiative on the statute of the municipality of Bologna confirms this », say the deputies of Fdi Emanuele Prisco and Augusta Montaruli. The reference is to the municipal council of Bologna which amended its Statute introducing, in fact, the recognition of honorary citizenship for foreign minors. Just on the eve of the vote, a flash mob organized by the Network for the reform of citizenship was held in Piazza Capranica, a few steps from Montecitorio: in the square a marriage was celebrated between Italy and over a million young people still without citizenship . Under a floral arch, activists and activists shared their wedding vows, a symbol of the expectations of change in case of approval of the Reform, in the presence of witnesses such as the model and activist Bianca Balti, the designer Stella Jean and Alberto Guidetti (Bebo) of the Social State .

Ius Scholae, Omar and Daniela, Italians without citizenship: “We set aside for sins we do not have”

“Italy, promise me that 877,000 students will receive citizenship, that you will consider me the same as my classmates, that I will be able to vote for the first time, that I will be able to wear the Azzurri shirt and I will no longer have to sit on the bench”, are some of the promises expressed by activists from all over Italy.
For her part, the councilor for social policies and health of Rome, Barbara Funari, speaking at the event, said that the capital “is ready to say yes and to be on the right side of history. We have many children and citizens who are already Romans and are only waiting for legislative recognition. In the capital there are more than 13% of resident minors awaiting citizenship. The rule must be approved as soon as possible and as a Municipality we are committed to applying it in the best possible way ».

See also  иж ҵҵ_֯__й

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