Home » “Italia Libera” was born in Rome of the former Fn Giuliano Castellino and the lawyer Taormina

“Italia Libera” was born in Rome of the former Fn Giuliano Castellino and the lawyer Taormina

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“Italia Libera” was born in Rome of the former Fn Giuliano Castellino and the lawyer Taormina

ROME. A process still underway for the assault on the Roman headquarters of the CGIL did not prevent him from founding a new political movement: ‘Free Italy’ beyond the left and the right. Although he has belonged to the latter for many years, having been the Roman leader of Forza Nuova until recently and the political ‘son’ of Roberto Fiore, leader of that movement since 1997. Giuliano Castellino, 45, today launched the new party with a press conference in Parioli together with his defender in the criminal trials in which he is or has been accused: the lawyer Carlo Taormina, president of «Italia Libera». “We are an anti-globalist movement, we have abandoned any ideological reference: we are interested in peace, work and freedom”, explains to La Stampa Castellino who does not deny the past, but opens up a common path also to those who come from socialism. Present at the meeting with the journalists, however, he cannot be at the garrison of the new militants in Piazza Cavour, in Rome, because he is still affected by the provisions of the obligation to submit to the judicial police and the obligation to stay in the Municipality of Rome.

On the spot, however, there is Pamela Testa, arrested and then released from prison for the same assault on the CGIL of 9 October 2021. Testa, wearing a red T-shirt with the image of Che Guevara and the words ‘Boia chi Molla’, is in the square while symbolic songs of the left resound, from Intillimani to Banda Bassotti. “Why not Che Guevara?” – She says – Our movement is not tied to the old logic of the twentieth century, fascism and communism are maneuvers of the system. Today there are no ideologies, there is neither right nor left, the people must not be divided ». Among the first claims of the movement “Italy outside NATO and the European Union” and the request for peace and freedom that can never exist without “an agreement with the Russians”. “No arms to Ukraine, no more sanctions, yes to friendship with Russia” reads the banner displayed in the square. «This war has started since 2014 – says Testa – and it started due to a false step made by Ukraine and not by Russia. This war was not born today ».

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During the garrison to ask, among other things, the stop to sanctions against Russia, a Ukrainian girl from the Zaporizhzhia area went towards the demonstrators tugging at the Russian flag and shouting Putin is killing the Ukrainians. The situation does not degenerate, but we are close to it. The last time was the assault on the CGIL, but first the demonstrations against the lockdown, masks and vaccines. The front of dissent, however, is wide: just think that at the same time, again in Rome, the far left had found itself in Piazza Venezia. The same arguments and the same enemies.

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