Home » Its Textile Product Manager And Designer is born, a two-year course for the textile sector

Its Textile Product Manager And Designer is born, a two-year course for the textile sector

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Its Textile Product Manager And Designer is born, a two-year course for the textile sector

The first edition of the ITS “Textile Product Manager and Designer” course, promoted by Confindustria Como, Enfapi Como e Its Academy Machina Lonati. The course aims to train highly specialized professionals in the field of textile design and production, providing participants with the skills, knowledge and techniques necessary in this sector.

This path focuses on the study and development of knowledge related to market trends and needs to create a collection of innovative and sustainable fabrics and to follow their production in the company. At the end of the two-year period the student will be able to identify materials, processes and costs to design and create unique fabrics that enhance the culture of the Como textile tradition.

Intended for those who have obtained a high school diploma, the course of study lasts two years and includes two thousand hours of training, with alternating theoretical moments, laboratory activities, company visits and project work with sector companies . Thanks to 800 hours of internship, participants will be able to consolidate the knowledge learned during the two-year period on the job.

They express great enthusiasm for the project Tiziana Tettamanzi e Andrea Taborelli, entrepreneurs and representatives for Education of the Textile Supply Chain Group of Confindustria Como. “This course was born from a strong need of the district, that of training figures with transversal skills, providing them with 360-degree preparation on the textile product, from the characteristics of the thread to the final sale – declares Tiziana Tettamanzi -. The study program includes many different subjects, from green chemistry to project management, precisely because the district is hungry for professional figures who are able to create a product from start to finish, who therefore have technical but also commercial skills. The course provides extensive training on everything relating to the textile product. During the two-year period, participants will be able to understand their aptitudes and then, upon entering companies, choose which area to specialize in. I would like to underline that, of the 2000 hours planned, 800 will take place in companies, therefore offering the trainees many opportunities to practice and specialize, through a practical/theoretical coaching formula which in my opinion is a winning one”.

“This course was created for companies, by companies – continues Taborelli -. It was in fact preceded by a form sent to all the textile companies of Confindustria Como in which they were asked to specify the needs, in terms of skills to be acquired, to train ‘Textile Product Manager and Designer’ to be included, in the future, in their organic. We were thus able to create a tailor-made course for our district.”

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The Its Textile Product Manager and Designer Course is designed and created thanks to the synergy between the world of training and the corporate world. Its courses in fact guarantee highly qualified and specialized technical-professional training, in line with the evolution of the world of work, to respond in a concrete way to the requests of companies.

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