Home » discovered a pill that imitates the effect of sport by making us lose weightMilleUnaDONNA

discovered a pill that imitates the effect of sport by making us lose weightMilleUnaDONNA

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discovered a pill that imitates the effect of sport by making us lose weightMilleUnaDONNA

New Drug Mimics Benefits of Exercise, But Not a Replacement, Study Suggests

In a breakthrough study presented at the ACS Spring 2024 meeting of the American Chemical Society, scientists have discovered compounds that could mimic the physical effects of exercise inside rodent cells. While this may sound like a dream come true for the lazy, experts caution that this new drug is not a replacement for physical activity.

According to a professor at Washington University School of Medicine St. Louis, “We cannot replace physical exercise, which is important at all levels. If a person can do physical activity, they should go ahead and do it. But there are so many cases where a substitute is needed.” The discovery could be particularly beneficial for conditions such as muscle atrophy, heart failure, and neurodegenerative diseases.

The new compound, known as SLU-PP-332, activates estrogen-related receptors (ERR) in muscle cells, leading to metabolic changes that improve muscle function and endurance. In experiments with mice, researchers found that the compound increased fatigue-resistant muscle fibers and enhanced the animals’ endurance on a treadmill.

While this discovery holds promise for individuals who may be unable to engage in regular physical activity due to age, illness, or other factors, experts emphasize that exercise has important benefits for both the body and mind that cannot be replaced by a pill. Ultimately, the goal is to synthesize these exercise-related effects to improve metabolism, muscle growth, and overall performance.

The potential for this new drug to help people with certain conditions who are unable to engage in traditional exercise is promising. However, further research is needed to fully understand its effects and determine its safety and efficacy in humans. Until then, experts stress the importance of staying active and incorporating exercise into daily routines for optimal health and well-being.

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