Home » Ivrea, expenses up by 800 thousand euros between energy, social canteen and employees

Ivrea, expenses up by 800 thousand euros between energy, social canteen and employees

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Ivrea, expenses up by 800 thousand euros between energy, social canteen and employees
Elisabetta Piccoli, deputy mayor and councilor for the budget

Irpef, limited increases of up to 12 euros per year are expected. The property rent on the barriers has been increased

IVREA. The expenditure increases contained in the 2022 budget that will be discussed in the city council at the end of May (30 or 31) amount to more than 800 thousand euros. The hypothesis put forward at first to adjust the personal income tax rates to meet the higher expenses has been averted at the moment, even if the reduction of the rates from 5 to 4 will lead to some slight increase.

The most relevant items on the front of the increases see energy expenditure in first place, which grew by 450 thousand euros (the comparison is made with 2019 and not with the years of Covid). Another heavy tile comes from the school lunch that has undergone an increase of 200 thousand euros, due to the increase in the service charge on which a boulder of 800 thousand euros of residues from those families who are unable to meet the fees. Expenses for the Inrete Consortium also increased by + 84 thousand euros, without taking into account the over 45 thousand euros due for the next school year (and not yet approved) for specialist assistance to pupils with disabilities. “The 84 thousand euros more should have been covered by the State Solidarity Fund – explains the councilor for the budget Elisabetta Piccoli – while in fact the fund increases by only 12,800, as if on the one hand the allocation for the social sector increases. another decreases, by a similar amount, on different items ». The latest substantial increase, of 200 thousand, concerns the staff of the Municipality in the face of new hires and contractual increases.

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«To avoid increases on personal income tax – comments Piccoli – we have worked a lot on reducing some expenditure items to try to file the appropriations that normally generate surplus because they are excessively large compared to the actual figures committed. Furthermore, the expenses that are normally financed by contributions that have not yet been received have not been included at the moment ».

The Municipality has managed to contain the increase in the doubtful debt provision (which is included as an “expense” in the budget) in part thanks to the collection work carried out in recent years. A fund that amounts to 11 million euros and which weighs on the 2022 budget for 1.6 million, compared to 1.8 in 2019.

On the revenue front, IMU revenues remained constant with even a slight increase. The property rent on barriers has increased, which for years has been around 4% of the sale price of these spaces, while for almost all cities it is around 50%. Introduced a first hypothesis of a tourist tax that will be discussed in a special council commission scheduled for next week in which the administrators will also discuss with the trade associations. «Thanks to this meticulous work on the budget – adds Piccoli – we have averted the increase in personal income tax. At first we hypothesized to merge a single band equal to 8x 1000 which would have caused an increase in taxation on the lower bands. Instead, we had to merge, as expected the law, some categories passing from 5 in 2021 to 4 in 2022, thus adjusting the resulting increase on all bands. To give some practical examples, the very small increase will therefore be contained on average from € 04.00 / year to a maximum of € 12 per year ».

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However, there is a lot of work to be done on unpaid taxes, fines and fees. “We need mediation with taxpayers – concludes the deputy mayor – because it is no longer acceptable or bearable for future budgets a credit of about 11 million which derives from previous years and which unfortunately despite the extensive efforts on the collection front made in recent years pandemic has increased ».

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