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Jose Penuela

February 26, 2023 – 5:00 AM

Emission contrast

The former Minister of Mines and Energy, Maria Fernanda Suarezheld that “The 1% of the population that emits the most generates 1,000 times more CO2 emissions than the 1% that emits the least. For a just transition, the countries with the largest carbon footprint must do so at a higher speed. Colombian emits 2 tons of CO2/year vs. World Citizen, 5 tons/year, and in the USA 12 tons of CO2/year”.

bad example

Faced with the controversy surrounding the parliamentarian of the Historical Pact, Susana Boreal, who admitted that she consumes marijuana almost every day, the former minister Jose Manuel Restrepo said it was a “Terrible message to society and especially to the youth! In her legitimate and respectable internal forum, but she is a public servant and with it an example for society ”.

presidential fallacies

Former senator and former presidential candidate Jorge Enrique Robledo told President Petro that “Do not insist on your sophistry against producing oil in Colombia. Because while the weaknesses of oil and the positive aspects of diversifying the economy are true, it does not make sense to strangle or weaken the production of hydrocarbons. Learn from Brazil, Mexico and others”.

Keep fighting

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Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaido called what
“Keep fighting Ukraine! President Zelensky is an example of resistance against authoritarians like Putin and Maduro. Today the world presents a struggle between democrats and dictators, between libertarians and authoritarians. From where we are, let’s raise our voices, for our people”.

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