Home » Kim Jae-won visits the 5 18 Democratic Cemetery and “deeply apologizes”… 33 days of mistaken words :: Sympathy Media Newsis News Agency ::

Kim Jae-won visits the 5 18 Democratic Cemetery and “deeply apologizes”… 33 days of mistaken words :: Sympathy Media Newsis News Agency ::

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Kim Jae-won visits the 5 18 Democratic Cemetery and “deeply apologizes”…  33 days of mistaken words :: Sympathy Media Newsis News Agency ::

“Always remember the pain of the citizens of Gwangju and the sacrifice of the democratic spirit”

Jeon Kwang-hoon Worship ‘May 18 constitutional amendment impossible’ only 33 days

Possibility of discussing disciplinary action after organizing the National Strength and Ethics Committee

[서울=뉴시스]On the 14th, Kim Jae-won, the Supreme Commissioner of People’s Power, visited the National May 18th National Cemetery in Buk-gu, Gwangju, paid his respects at the cemetery and apologized for his past remarks (Photo=provided by the National May 18th National Cemetery).

[서울=뉴시스] Reporter Kim Seung-min = People’s Power Supreme Commissioner Kim Jae-won, who suspended political activities due to controversy over remarks related to Pastor Jeon Kwang-hoon, visited the Gwangju National May 18 Democratic Cemetery on the 14th and apologized. It has been 33 days since he said on the 12th of last month that he opposes the publication of the full text of the May 18 Gwangju Democratization Movement.

According to the National May 18 Democratic Cemetery, Supreme Commissioner Kim visited the graveyard at 11:35 am on the same day with Park Nam-seon, who was the head of the Citizens’ Army Situation Office at the South Jeolla Provincial Office in May 1980.

Supreme Commissioner Kim paid his respects at the graveyard within the precincts of the Democratic Cemetery for about 20 to 30 minutes under the guidance of Mr. Park, and wrote in the guestbook, “I will always remember the pain of Gwangju citizens and the sacrifices of the democratic spirits. I would like to express my deepest apology. Posted by Kim Jae-won.”

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Earlier, on the 12th of last month, right after the party convention, at the service of Pastor Jeon Kwang-hun at Sarangjeil Church, Supreme Commissioner Kim expressed his opposition to the publication of the full text of the Constitution of the 5/18 Gwangju Democratization Movement, which was also a promise of President Yoon Seok-yeol, saying it was “impossible.” Pandas are politicians,” causing controversy.

On the 14th, one day after the report, he apologized, saying, “I will not oppose the publication of the constitutional text in the spirit of May 18th,” and went into self-reflection by not attending the highest level. However, on the 25th, at a lecture by a Korean conservative group in Atlanta, Georgia, USA, he stood at the center of controversy again, saying, “Pastor Kwang-Hoon Jeon unified the right-wing camp under the world.”

The party seemed to be sorting out the situation on the line of Supreme Commissioner Kim’s ‘one-month self-restraint’, but the theory of disciplinary action for Supreme Commissioner Kim came out from inside and outside the party, including Daegu Mayor Hong Joon-pyo, and the President’s Office also recently mentioned discipline to the party.

The party has appointed Hwang Jeong-geun, a lawyer, as the new Central Ethics Committee Chairman, and is in the process of reorganizing the Ethics Committee. When the Ethics Committee is formed, there is a possibility of discussing whether to initiate the disciplinary process for Supreme Commissioner Kim.

◎Sympathy Media Newsis [email protected]

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