Home » Lazio Regionals, D’Amato and the Pd-Cinque Stelle agreement hypothesis: “Open doors, many points in common with Conte’s proposals”

Lazio Regionals, D’Amato and the Pd-Cinque Stelle agreement hypothesis: “Open doors, many points in common with Conte’s proposals”

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Lazio Regionals, D’Amato and the Pd-Cinque Stelle agreement hypothesis: “Open doors, many points in common with Conte’s proposals”

Open doors to the Five Stars and shared points in what is called the “Lazio model”, a sort of test that tries to expand the center-left coalition. Alessio D’Amato, councilor of the Lazio Region and candidate for the regional elections says it without hiding: «The doors are always open and we are working to build the widest possible alliance, today there will be a table of all the centre-left forces and I I am committed to building a broad alliance». D’Amato answers the question of whether there is still room for a recomposition with the M5s and says that there is an openness and, in fact, the intention is that of “the widest possible coalition”. And that the programmatic proposals of the Democratic Party have many points of sharing with the proposals of the Five Stars, the senator and secretary of the Lazio Democratic Party, Bruno Astorre, also agrees, arriving at the regional directorate, meeting at the Nazarene to vote on the candidacy of D ‘ Beloved. «Effectively all the proposals that Giuseppe Conte has made are included – says Astorre -, from sustainable mobility to work, from healthcare to the energy transition. The proposals of the Democratic Party, worked together with the coalition, the M5S and Italia Viva of the ‘Lazio model’ are substantially identical to the points of President Conte. Naturally the only point that does not exist and that could never be in a regional program is the question of the waste cycle of Rome, which pertains to the mayor of Rome, it is not part of the regional program and on this the Democratic Party supports Roberto Gualtieri”.
The centre-right
On the center-right front, on the other hand, there should be a meeting of the local Brothers of Italy cadres on Friday to begin to tighten up on the candidate’s dossier in the Lazio region, in the following days the party at national level will deal with the issue. The agreement in the center-right has been signed for some time: it is up to Fdi to indicate who will register for the post-Zingaretti race. But times are starting to be tight and even in FI and in the League the need to identify as soon as possible the figure who will have to run for the regional elections is underlined. At the moment the game is open. The crossroads still remains between the option of a technician, and in that case one would go to the current national president of the Red Cross, Francesco Rocca, and the possibility of turning to a political candidacy. The internal names that Fdi could use are many: from Rampelli to Colosimo, from Trancassini to Procaccini. Fratelli d’Italia is already working on the lists. The white smoke on the candidate could arrive next week. “We must exploit the divisions between the Democratic Party and the 5-star movement,” observes a member of the Brothers of Italy.

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