Home » Let the search and rescue team have a hot meal!Villagers at the Yunnan landslide rescue site spontaneously organized cooking-Mobile Dahe Network

Let the search and rescue team have a hot meal!Villagers at the Yunnan landslide rescue site spontaneously organized cooking-Mobile Dahe Network

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Local villagers in Liangshui Village, Zhenxiong County, Zhaotong City, Yunnan Province, showed their support for the search and rescue team at the landslide site by spontaneously organizing cooking for the rescue team and the affected people. This heartwarming gesture took place on January 24, 2024, at the primary school campus just a few hundred meters away from the rescue site.

Volunteers worked tirelessly in relay shifts to ensure that the search and rescue team could have hot meals at any time, providing much-needed support and nourishment for the hardworking individuals involved in the rescue efforts. The act of kindness and solidarity demonstrated by the villagers highlights the strength and resilience of the local community in the face of adversity.

Thanks to the efforts of the volunteers, the material reserves at the rescue site are currently sufficient, providing vital support for the ongoing rescue operations. The unity and determination of the local residents serve as an inspiring example of the power of community support in times of crisis.

As the rescue efforts continue, the support and encouragement from the villagers remind us of the importance of coming together to help those in need. This heartwarming display of solidarity serves as a beacon of hope in the midst of a challenging situation, showcasing the compassion and generosity of the human spirit.

The selfless actions of the villagers in Yunnan Province serve as a powerful reminder that even in the face of tragedy, the collective strength of a community can make a meaningful and profound difference. Their unwavering support for the search and rescue team exemplifies the resilience and compassion that can emerge in the wake of adversity.

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