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Li Qiang meets with Angola President Lourenco

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Premier Li Qiang Meets with Angola President Lourenço

On March 15, 2024, Premier Li Qiang of China met with President Lourenço of Angola at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. President Lourenço was in China for a state visit, and the meeting between the two leaders aimed to strengthen the bilateral relationship between China and Angola.

During the meeting, Premier Li Qiang emphasized the long-standing friendship and partnership between China and Angola. He highlighted the achievements made in cooperation between the two countries in recent years, under the strategic guidance of President Xi Jinping and President Lourenço. Li Qiang expressed China’s willingness to deepen political trust, expand cooperation in various fields, and enhance the well-being of both Chinese and Angolan people.

Premier Li also commended Angola for its support of the one-China principle and reiterated China’s commitment to supporting Angola’s national security and stability. He discussed plans to enhance practical cooperation in infrastructure, agriculture, trade, new energy, and other sectors under initiatives like the “Belt and Road” project and the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation.

In response, President Lourenço acknowledged China as Angola’s trusted partner and expressed gratitude for China’s support during Angola’s development. He reaffirmed Angola’s adherence to the one-China policy and welcomed increased investment from Chinese companies. Lourenço pledged to strengthen cooperation with China in key areas to achieve mutual development and prosperity.

The meeting was also attended by Wu Zhenglong, further signaling the importance of the discussions between China and Angola. The meeting concluded with both leaders expressing their commitment to further deepen cooperation and strengthen the longstanding friendship between the two nations.

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