Home » Lotteria Italia, appointment with luck: how many there are and when the winning tickets will be drawn

Lotteria Italia, appointment with luck: how many there are and when the winning tickets will be drawn

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Lotteria Italia, appointment with luck: how many there are and when the winning tickets will be drawn

Friday 6 January, the Befana, like every year, brings her particular appointment with luck. There are 83,600 tickets for the Italian Lottery sold in Friuli Venezia Giulia for the 2022 edition. The figure disclosed by the Customs and Monopoli Agency, Agipronews learns, records a decrease of 2.5% compared to last year.

Tickets in Friuli

Among the provinces, Udine stands out with 40,280 coupons detached, up by 9.3%. Then comes Trieste with 18,480 tickets and a drop of 11.3%. More marked decline in Gorizia (8,020, -16.1%), while Pordenone closed at 16,820 (-8.8%). The figure confirms the bond of Italians with this traditional game to which the Customs and Monopolies Agency has linked, since last year, the project “Let’s draw luck”, a competition dedicated to artists with disabilities who created the 12 works represented on Lotteria Italia tickets.

Live TV

This evening it will be Amadeus, in the special episode of “I soliti ignoti”, who will distribute hopes and millions. Many millions. The first prize is worth 5, the second 2, the third one. And two more tickets worth 500,000 euros and twenty worth 50,000. Plus 100 coupons worth 25,000 euros. The tickets will be matched to the competitors of the show: for the extraction of the first prize it will be necessary to wait. More or less until midnight.

Queen of sales, also for the 2023 edition, is the Lazio region. Of the over six million tickets sold throughout Italy, one in six (1,118,190) was sold in the various provinces of Lazio, with a preference – obviously – for the city of Rome where a total of 871,430 tickets were sold. Lombardy (959,400 tickets) and Campania (583,840) are in the ranking of the regions considered luckiest by players. A total of 6,013,665 tickets were sold this year, about 400,000 less than last year when the competition had registered a sign of recovery. This year there was also a surge in online ticket sales, an increasingly widespread practice even for a competition with a historical tradition. There were 101,445 coupons detached online, around 27,000 more than last year.

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