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Meloni: “Now a new triangulation with France and Germany, no to Serie A and Serie B EU”

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Meloni: “Now a new triangulation with France and Germany, no to Serie A and Serie B EU”

“I agree on the theme of triangulation with France and Germany, which has been lacking in recent years”, the table “wobbled because there were two legs. Now the situation has changed and it allows us to play a different role”. So Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni in her replies to the Senate on communications in view of the EU Council on 15 and 16 December. In her speech, the prime minister reiterated her no “to a Europe of series A and series B” and warned: “If the EU is ineffective, we will evaluate decoupling or other proposals”

«Ukraine, the center-right has always had a clear position»

“If it really had to be feared that with a new government” there would be “a different position on the conflict in Ukraine, that fear could have existed if others had won. The centre-right parties” in fact “have always voted clearly, unlike the centre-left. The only dystonias were in the field that she also represented”. Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni said so in her reply to the Senate on communications in view of the EU Council. A field, you stressed that you had among your “allies, a party that wrote that you shouldn’t send weapons to Ukraine, the left allied with the Democratic Party”.

Energy, Meloni in Calenda: open to ideas, we need documents

“To IV’s colleagues” Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni said during the replies in the Senate that “we are very open about the decoupling proposal and what can be done at the national level” on the energy front. When Calenda came to discuss ”at Palazzo Chigi,“ the only opposition party to have done so – we would have done it with others too – we asked for more concrete proposal documents ”, she said. Meloni explained that “at the moment” they have not arrived, “but if there were they would be a working base”.

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