Home » Message from President Erdoğan on the 1st anniversary of the disaster of the century – Current News

Message from President Erdoğan on the 1st anniversary of the disaster of the century – Current News

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Message from President Erdoğan on the 1st anniversary of the disaster of the century – Current News

President Erdogan, Kahramanmaraş based earthquakeHe shared a post on social media on the anniversary of . Sharing at 04.17, the time when the first earthquake measuring 7.7 on the Richter scale occurred, President Erdoğan said, “The pain of the lives we lost in the Kahramanmaraş-centered earthquakes we experienced a year ago continues to burn our hearts as fresh as the first day.

May God have mercy on each of the 53 thousand 537 lives we lost, to their families and our nation. condolence I wish. The disaster of the centuryI would like to reiterate my condolences to over 107 thousand citizens who were injured in Turkey. I pray to God for a speedy recovery for our injured people who are still receiving treatment. The destruction experienced in our 11 provinces, which are among the most ancient settlements in human history, was truly enormous. Such great disasters and great sufferings are also turning points where the strength of the unity, solidarity and brotherhood of nations is tested. Thank God, our nation has successfully passed this painful and historical test. While our state took immediate action with all its means, Turkey became one heart and one wrist, our nation rushed to its earthquake-affected brothers and sisters, and the unity of the century was demonstrated in the face of the disaster of the century.

While we commemorate the lives we laid on the ground with Fatihas, prayers and sadness, we work hard to keep the promises we made to our nation. We will continue these efforts until we build and revitalize our cities and bring the last citizen whose house was destroyed or unusable to a safe home. “May God not let our country and nation experience such disasters again or subject us to such tests,” he said.

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