Home » Mingzhi Middle School in Hebi City launched the “Remembering the Revolutionary Martyrs and Carrying Forward the National Spirit” Qingming Sweeping Activities- Chinadaily.com

Mingzhi Middle School in Hebi City launched the “Remembering the Revolutionary Martyrs and Carrying Forward the National Spirit” Qingming Sweeping Activities- Chinadaily.com

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On the occasion of the Ching Ming Festival, in order to inherit the glorious tradition of the revolutionary martyrs, deeply cherish the memory of the achievements of the martyrs, carry forward the national spirit, and inherit the revolutionary tradition. On the afternoon of April 4, more than 50 teachers and students from Mingzhi Middle School in Hebi City went to the Martyrs Cemetery in Hebi City to carry out the Qingming Festival Sweeping Activities of “Remembering the Revolutionary Martyrs and Carrying forward the National Spirit”.

In front of the Martyrs’ Monument, everyone lined up neatly to pay their respects to the Martyrs’ Monument. Student representatives presented flower baskets to the revolutionary martyrs, and all teachers and students bowed in silence. The simple and solemn commemoration ceremony made the teachers and students present experience a spiritual baptism. Afterwards, the teachers and students paid homage to the Memorial Hall of the Martyrs. The teachers told the stories of the revolutionary martyrs to the students, so that everyone could feel more deeply the spirit of the revolutionary martyrs who went forward for national independence and the happiness of the people without fear of sacrifice. During the event, everyone expressed that they would take over the banner of their predecessors, further inherit the fine style of the revolutionary martyrs, turn the enthusiasm of remembering the revolutionary martyrs into a great motivation for learning, meet the challenges of the future, be self-reliant and self-improving, work hard to create a better future future.

Through the Qingming festival sweeping activities, the teachers and students of the school further enhanced their patriotism, carried forward the national spirit and the spirit of the times, and deeply realized that today’s happy life was bought by countless revolutionary martyrs with their blood and lives, and they will shoulder the historical mission and national responsibility , forge ahead, revitalize China, and create brilliance.

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[Responsible editor: Cai Donghai]

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